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    Cucumis sativus


    The fruit of the creeping plant Cucumis sativus L., belonging to the Cucurbitaceae family. It was probably originated in northern India, and is now widely cultivated for its fruit around the world. It has a dark green exterior, with a crisp, pale green interior, edible seeds, and a mild, fresh-tasting flesh.
, 百拇医药
    Cucumber is a tender annual with a rough, succulent, trailing stem growing to about 2 m high. The leaves are hairy with three to five pointed lobes; the stem bears branched tendrils by which the plant can be trained to supports. It is in flower from July to September, and the seeds ripen from August to October. The flowers are monoecious (individual flowers are either male or female, but both sexes can be found on the same plant) and are pollinated by insects. The plant is self-fertile. It cannot grow in the shade, and requires moist soil.
, 百拇医药
    In northern Europe the cucumber is extensively grown in frames or on trellises in greenhouses; in the milder climate of the United States, China, Australia, it is cultivated as a field crop and in home gardens. An excess of seed is sown, and the small plants are thinned to the number desired. The heat requirement is one of the highest among the common vegetables.

    There are three groups of varieties: the very large-fruited, strong-growing varieties adapted only to greenhouse or frame culture; the large-fruited, outdoor-grown plants generally having white spines, which are used primarily for slicing and pickling; and the small-fruited, prolific kinds with spines, including the gherkin, which are grown outdoors principally for pickling.
, 百拇医药
    Cucumbers make good companion plants for sweet corn, beans and sunflowers, but they dislike growing with potatoes and aromatic herbs.

    The roots of cucumber plants secrete a substance that inhibits the growth of most weeds.

    Fresh cucumbers should be firm, well-shaped, and bright green in color. They may be kept in refrigerated storage for about two weeks. It can also be served raw. The fruit varies widely in size between cultivars but can be up to 1 m long. Cucumbers are available all year long, and are at their peak from May through August.
, 百拇医药
    Also called Garden Cucumber and Cowcumber.


    Sweet in flavor, cool in nature, it is related to the spleen, stomach, large intestine and bladder channels.


    Clears heat and quenches thirst, relieves edema, has anti-toxic effect.

, 百拇医药
    Cucumber is mainly applied for flaring up of evil fire, such as sore throat, red eyes and thirst.

    1. For hot diarrhoea in children:

    Use a tender cucumber. After thorough rinsing, eat raw after tossing it with bee honey.

    2. For edema (abnormally large amounts of fluid in the intercellular tissue spaces of the body):

    Use 50 g old cucumber and boil in water twice daily. It is good for mild edema of the extremities.
, 百拇医药
    3. For digestive type common cold with diarrhoea, low fever and abdominal pain:

    Use several fresh cucumber leaves. Boil for 1 hour. Discard residue and add some sugar. Drink the solution.

    Dosage and Administration:

    The cucumber fruit can be eaten raw or cooked. The cucumber is a common ingredient of salads, being valued mainly for its crisp texture and juiciness. However, it is very watery, with little flavor and is not very nutritious. Many people find the fruit to be indigestible, this is due to the high cellulose content.
, 百拇医药
    Young leaves and stems are cooked as a potherb.

    Wash cucumbers just before using. Unless the skin is waxed, it doesn't require peeling; for more flavor, score the skin with the tines of a fork before slicing. The seeds become bitter as the cucumber ages, so remove the seeds from larger cucumbers. Add cucumbers to any tossed salad, or combine cucumber slices with thinly sliced red onion, fat-free yogurt, and fresh dill. For a fresh pickle, slice and combine with water, vinegar, and a little salt.
, 百拇医药
    Oil from the seed, said to resemble olive oil, is used in salad dressings and French cooking.

    Cucumbers can be found in the produce section of health food stores and supermarkets. Choose firm cucumbers with smooth, bright skins and no signs of shriveling or soft spots. Refrigerate them in a plastic bag with holes poked in it for up to five days.

    Cautions on Use:

    Reference Materials:
, 百拇医药
    Toxic or Side Effects:

    Modern Researches:

    The nutritional value of the cucumber is low, but its delicate flavor makes it popular for salads and relishes.

    Cucumber contains sugar, protein, vitamin C and volatile oil, free amino acids, rutin, and chlorogenic acid. Its base is slightly bitter containing cucurbitacin A, B, C and D.

, 百拇医药     The fruit is depurative (purifying the blood), diuretic, soothing, purgative and resolvent. The fresh fruit is used internally in the treatment of blemished skin, heat rash, etc., whilst it is used externally as a poultice for burns, sores, etc., and also as a cosmetic for softening the skin.

    The seed is cooling, diuretic, tonic and vermifuge (destroys or expels parasitic worms). 25-50 g of the thoroughly ground seeds (including the seed coat) is a standard dose as a vermifuge and usually needs to be followed by a purgative to expel the worms from the body.
, 百拇医药
    Oil from the seed contains 22.3% linoleic acid, 58.5% oleic acid, 6.8% palmitic acid and 3.7% stearic acid.

    The leaf juice is emetic (induces vomiting), it is used to treat dyspepsia (indigestion) in children.

    A decoction of the root is diuretic.

    Cucumber skins have been shown to repel cockroaches in laboratory experiments.

    The fruit is applied to the skin as a cleansing cosmetic to soften and whiten it. The juice is used in many beauty products., http://www.100md.com
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