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http://www.100md.com 2006年9月18日 《中国医药报》 2006.09.18

    Shop assistant:Hello!What can I do for you?


    Customer:I am worried because my baby hasn''t been able relieve himself for three days.


    Shop assistant:How old is he?Is his urine yellow?


    Customer:He is three.The urine was yellow several days ago and then it turned regular after he took some Chinese medicine.


    Shop assistant:Did he eat much more than before?


    Customer:About the same,maybe a little more.


    Shop assistant:Does he want to relieve himself?


    Customer:Yes,but he has constipation,so pitiful!


    Shop assistant:He can take try a glycerol suppository.


    Customer:Can the medicine be used for such a young boy?What are the side effects?


    Shop assistant:It is just a kind of lubricating laxative to lubricate and activate the intestine so as to soften the excrement for easydischarge.It can have a mild effect in 30minutes and is particularlywell suited for children,the elderly and the weak.The key point is it acts directly on the rectum with no side effects.


    Customer:It sounds fine.I''ll buy now.


    Shop assistant:Take it easy.


    Customer:Thank you.

    (赵喜君 华铮 王立峰), http://www.100md.com(赵喜君;华铮;王立峰)