【摘要】 目的 探讨眼肌型重症肌无力(OMG)患者远期手术疗效及相关影响因素。方法 选择1998年~2003年在我科进行手术治疗的66例MG患者(OMG 42例,其他型24例)进行回顾性研究, OMG组和非OMG组分别采用纵劈胸骨,前胸小弧形切口、半劈胸骨,电视胸腔镜辅助手术等方法进行手术;同时对单纯服用溴吡斯的明治疗的18例OMG患者进行随访,所有病例随访期限为25~52个月,平均38.5个月。按Monden标准评估,并进行统计学分析。 结果 手术组OMG缓解率38.1%,有效率85.7%;手术组其他型MG 有效率为83.3%;单纯服药组有效率仅为55.6%。结论 OMG患者的手术远期疗效可靠,对于成年型OMG患者一经确诊,应尽早手术;儿童型(年龄≤15岁)OMG应严格掌握外科指征。
【关键词】 眼肌型重症肌无力; 胸腺切除术; 远期疗效
Study of the long-term outcome of surgical treatment for ocular myasthenia gravis(OMG)
ZHANG Yun-feng,LI Jian-ye,MA Shan,et al.Department of Thoracic Surgery,the Affiliated Tongren Hospital of the Capital Medical University,Beijing 100730,China
【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the long-term outcome of thymectomy for ocular myasthenia gravis and related elements. Methods Retrospectively analysis of 66 patients (OMG 42,the others 24 )with thymectomy for myasthenia gravis from 1998 to 2003 at Beijing Tong Ren hospital. Median sternotomy, partial median sternotomy and video-assisted thoracoscopic thymectomy were relatively used in OMG group and non-OMG group. While 18 patients who only take pyridostigmine were follow-up.All the cases following-up period was from 25~52 months,averaging 38.5 .The results was evaluated according to Monden criteria and taken statistical analysis.P<0.05 was considered having statistical significance. Results Among the operative OMG group, the remission rate was 38.1% and the effective rate 85.7%. The effective rate of operative non-OMG group and administration group was 83.3% ......
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