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http://www.100md.com 2006Äê9ÔÂ28ÈÕ
    Alexandra: I think I am OK, I just drank some seawater but I'll be fine. Do you have a phone number? You saved my life and I don't want to lose touch with you.

    Xiao Qiang: I'm just here on vacation but I'm staying at the Regency. You can call the hotel, my room number is 515.

    Alexandra: OK, I hope we can meet again before you leave.

    Part Two: ENGLISH TITLE ½ñÍíÒ¹²»Ãß


    Alexandra: Hi you! I'm so surprised to see you here! Are you stalking me now?

    Xiao Qiang: Alexandra, hi! No. I mean no, I'm not stalking you. I didn't know you worked here.

    Alexandra: Yes, I work here every night and I study at the nursing college during the day.

    Xiao Qiang: So you're all recovered?

    Alexandra: Yeah. Didn't I tell you? The sea is my friend. I am OK.

    Xiao Qiang: Oh, let me introduce my friends. This is Lily and Sabrina, they are also from China, and this is James - he is from America.

    Alexandra: Hello everyone, I am Alexandra. Nice to meet you guys! Hey, Xiao Qiang, do you wanna dance? Doesn't matter because I want to dance with you!

    Xiao Qiang: OK, why not!

    Lily: This girl moves way too fast. They just met this morning and look at how into him she is!

    Sabrina: You have to be kidding. Xiao Qiang saved her life. She should be delirious to be dancing with him.

    Lily: But she could have come and sat with us. Why did she ask Xiao Qiang to dance with her!

    Sabrina: Are you jealous? I think she's nice.

    Lily: Jealous! Me! Hah, not in this life!

    Sabrina: Don't lie to yourself any more, if you like Xiao Qiang you should tell him. Xiao Qiang has liked you for a long time. It's time you stopped playing games with him.

    Lily: You think so? Well, he already has his Alexandra now anyway.

    Sabrina: She is just a friend. Don't try to find excuses for yourself. I think you should tell him.


    James: Wow, it's already past 12 and they haven't come back! Where are they?

    Lily: Sabrina, I told you this girl is too easy. Maybe they went home together!

    Sabrina: Don't be silly, Lily. Xiao Qiang wouldn't do that...would he?

    James: Who knows? Xiao Qiang adapts to other cultures very fast and a lot of girls like him. And Alexandra is sexy. Very sexy!

    Sabrina: JAMES, CAN YOU SHUT UP?!

    James: OK, I'm just saying that it's a possibility.

    Sabrina: Lily, don't think about it too much. I trust Xiao Qiang, he is a good guy.

    Lily: Really? He just disappeared with a girl and you still want me to trust him?

    Sabrina: Alright, I think we should go back to the hotel now. It's already very late. Maybe Xiao Qiang already went back.

    James: I agree with you, maybe they went back to Xiao Qiang's room!

    Sabrina: James, I'm begging you, pleeeease shut up.

    ¡¾Language Focus / ÓïÑԵ㡿

    1. ...American girls tend to be on the heavy side.

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