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http://www.100md.com 《中华现代影像学杂志》 2006年第8期
     [摘要] 目的 探讨肾损伤的有效影像诊断方法及其临床指导意义。方法 采用CT检查肾损伤患者52例,并根据其表现分为4类,对Ⅰ、Ⅱ类肾损伤行保守治疗,对Ⅲ类肾损伤视情况而定,对Ⅳ类肾损伤行急诊手术治疗。结果 CT对肾损伤的定位诊断准确率和分类准确率均达100%。结论 CT检查可明确肾损伤的程度、范围及分类,了解伤肾和健肾功能,观察腹部其他脏器情况,具有无创、快速、安全、准确等优点,对临床治疗方案的确定具有重要指导意义。

    [关键词] 肾损伤;体层摄影术,X线计算机;诊断;分类

    Diagnosis and clinical value of CT and Burtrasound in renal trauma

    LIANG Hongmin.The First Hospital Affiliated to Kunming Medical College,Kunming 650032,China

    [Abstract] Objective To explore the effective diagnostic methods of renal trauma.Methods Retrospectively analysis of 52 cases of renal trauma which were diagnosed and classified into 4 grades by means of CT.The patients in grade 1 and 2 were treated conservatively whereas those in grade 4 were operated immediately,and those in grade 3 were treated conservatively or in operation.Its clinical value were also analyzed.Results The accuracy of classification and qualitative diagnose of CT reached 100%.Conclusion CT scan can determine the degrees,scopes,and classification of renal trauma,make clear the functions of both the injured and the other kidneys.It has some advantages such as quickness,safeness,noninvasion and preciseness.These advantages are important guidance to clinical treatments. ......

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