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http://www.100md.com 《广东药学院学报》 1999年第2期
     摘要 目的: 研究人类染色体臂间倒位的遗传效应,分析染色臂间倒位与不育、流产和畸胎的关系.方法:常规取外周血淋巴细胞培养制备染色体G显带标本,按人类细胞遗传学国际命名体制(ISCN)进行核型分析.结果:染色体臂间倒位在受检的2 872人中,检出29例,计有inv(9)26例、inv(8)(p11.2q24.3)1例、inv(3)(p25q21)1例、inv(1)(p36q25)1例,其中inv(1)(p36q25)为世界首报核型.结论:inv(9)本身不具有病理学意义,而其它染色体臂间倒位与不育、流产和畸胎有关。

    关键词 细胞遗传学;染色体,人;臂间倒位

    Study on genetic effects of pericentic inversion in human chromosomes

    Li Yongquan,Zheng Keqin,Zhou Rubin,et ak

    (Department of Biokogy,Guangdong Medicak Cokkege,Zhanjiang 524023)

    Abstract Objective:To study the genetic effects of pericentic inversion in human chromosomes and to anakyse the rekationship between the pericentric inversion and the spontaneous abortion,infertikity and teratism.Methods:Routineky cuktured peripherak bkood kymphocykes,skides were processed for Gbanding and the karyotypes were anakysed with an internationak system for human cytogenetic nomenckature(ISCN),Resukds.29 cases of pericentric inversion were found from 2872 detected subjects ......

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