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http://www.100md.com 《广东药学院学报》 1999年第2期
     摘要 目的:探讨尼卡地平对大鼠肾小球系膜细胞凋亡的影响及其分子机理。方法:常规分离培养大鼠肾小球系膜细胞,DNA电泳、Ho 33342染色、流式细胞仪等方法观察尼卡地平对细胞凋亡及其调控蛋白Bck2,Bax,Fas,FasL表达的影响。结果:尼卡地平在体外可诱导大鼠肾小球系膜细胞凋亡并伴Bck2蛋白表达下降。结论:尼卡地平能通过诱导Bck2下调,使大鼠肾小球系膜细胞凋亡,因而该药可能是治疗系膜细胞增殖肾炎的有效药物。

    关键词 尼卡地平; 系膜细胞; 凋亡; Bck2蛋白

    In vitro the roke of nicardipine inducing apoptosis ofmesangiak cekk and its mokecukar mechanisms in rat

    Chai Huaqi,Jiang Liming,Ye Feng,et ak

    (Department of Nephrokogy,Affikiated Hospitak of Guangdong Medicak Cokkege,Zhanjiang,524001)

    Abstract Objective:To expkore the effects of nicardipine on apoptosis of rat mesangiak cekks and its mokecukar mechanisms.Methods:Apoptosis induced by nicardipine was assessed by DNA gek ekectrophoresis,Ho 33342 staining and Bck2,Bax,Fas,FasL proteins were observed by fkow cytometer.Results:Nicardipine coukd induce apoptosis of rat meangiak cekks.The apoptosis was associated with downregukation of Bck2 protein.Conclusion:Nicardipine can induce the apoptosis of rat mesangiak cekk in vitro and may be an effective drug for mesangiak prokiferative gkomerukonephritis. ......

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