第1页 |
下一步怎么办?“预后好” 的早期乳腺癌的诊断
越多, 正确地进行辅助治疗越困难,给部分妇女带来
更深入的理解可能带来新的分类方法, 可以既包含
前妇女中研究这一方法, 将微阵列标记和传统的标
最后, 尽管此处的讨论强调乳腺癌生存的提高
应归功于全身治疗和小的、 淋巴结阴性肿瘤的诊断,但两者都不能影响发病率。即使估计预后良好, 诊
断乳腺癌也是非常可怕的, 一级预防才是真正的目
的, 我们不应该忽略这一点。
Alison L Jones consultant
Academic Department of Oncology, Royal Free and University College
Hospitals, London NW3 2QG ( alison. jones@ royalfree. nhs. uk)
利益冲突( Competing interes ts) : AJ conducts clinical trials sponsored by
a number of pharmaceutical companies and is on the advisory board of
some companies including AstraZeneca, Novartis, Bristol Myers Squib,and Sanofi -Aventis.
( 樊英 译 徐兵河 校)
1 Sa nt M, Allema ni C, Be rrino F , Coleman MP , Aareleid T, Chaplain G, et
al. Brea st c ance r survival in Europe and the Uni te d Sta tes . Ca ncer 2004 ; 100:
2 Sa insbury R, Johns ton C, Howard B. Effect on survival of de la ys in referr al of
pa tients wi th brea st c ancer symptoms : a ret rospec tive analys is. La ncet 1999;
353: 1132 -5.
3 Olse n AH, Njor S, Ve jbor g W, et al. Bre as t ca ncer morta li ty in Copenhagen
after intr oduct ion of mammography scr eening: cohort s tudy. BMJ 2005 ; 330:
4 Bonadonna G, Mol iterni A, Zambett i M, Da idone MG, P ilot ti S, Gia nni L, et
al. 30 ye ars′fol low up of r andomise d studie s of a djuva nt CMF in ope rable
br eas t c ancer : cohort s tudy. BMJ 2005; 330 : 217 -20.
5 Blanks RG, Moss SM, McGahan CE, Quinn MJ , Babb PJ . Effect of NHS
br eas t scre ening pr ogramme on morta li ty from bre as t c ancer in England and
Wales 1990-8: comparison of observe d wi th pr edic te d mor ta li ty. BMJ 2000;
321: 665-9.
6 Early Brea s t Ca ncer Trials Col la borat ive Group. P olychemothe rapy for ea rly
br eas t c ancer : an ove rview of r andomise d t rials. La ncet 1998 ; 352: 930-42.
7 Hebert - Croteau N, Brisson J , Lat rei lle J , R ivard M, Abdelaziz N, Ma rt in G.
Complianc e wi th conse nsus recommendat ions for system ic therapy is as soc ia ted
with improved survival of women with node -ne gat ive br eas t c ancer. J Clin
Oncol 2004 ; 22: 3685-93.
8 Howel l A, Cuzic k J , Ba um M, Buzdar A, Dowse tt M, For bes JF , et al .
Resul ts of the ATAC ( Arimidex, Tamoxifen, alone or in c ombina tion ) t rial
after c omplet ion of 5 year s′adjuvant t reatme nt for breas t c ancer. Lancet 2005;
365: 60-2.
9 Gos s PE, Ingle JN, Mart ino S, Robert NJ , Mus s HB, P icca rt MJ, et al. A
randomised tr ial of letrozole in pos tmenopausal women after five year s of tamoxi fen
therapy for early-s ta ge brea st ca nce r. N Engl J Med 2003; 349: 1793-802.
10 Coombes RC, Hal l E, Gibson LJ , Pa rida ens R , Jas sem J , Delozier T, et al .
A randomised t rial of exemes tane after two to three year s of tamoxi fe n thera py
in pos tme nopausal women with primar y br eas t ca ncer. N Engl J Med 2004;
350: 1081 -92.
11 Soti riou C , Neo SY, McShane LM, Korn EL, Long PM, Jazae ri A, e t al .
Breas t cance r clas s ificat ion and prognos is based on ge ne expr es sion pr ofiles
from a populat ion-based s tudy. P roc Na t l Aca d Sci USA 2003; 100 : 10393-8.
12 Van de Vijve r MJ , He YD, van′ t Veer LJ , Dai H, Ha rt AA, Voskui l DW, et
al. A gene -expres s ion s ignature as a predictor of survival in bre as t c ancer. N
Engl J Med 2002 ; 347: 1999-2009.
BMJ 2005; 330 : 205-6
Evaluating new screening tests for br east cancer
May require randomised controlled trials to assess overdetection
使用磁共振成像( MRI )方法对具有乳腺癌相关
基因高突变风险的妇女进行筛查, 引起了人们对于
新型有效的筛查方法所需具备的条件的争论 ......
下一步怎么办?“预后好” 的早期乳腺癌的诊断
越多, 正确地进行辅助治疗越困难,给部分妇女带来
更深入的理解可能带来新的分类方法, 可以既包含
前妇女中研究这一方法, 将微阵列标记和传统的标
最后, 尽管此处的讨论强调乳腺癌生存的提高
应归功于全身治疗和小的、 淋巴结阴性肿瘤的诊断,但两者都不能影响发病率。即使估计预后良好, 诊
断乳腺癌也是非常可怕的, 一级预防才是真正的目
的, 我们不应该忽略这一点。
Alison L Jones consultant
Academic Department of Oncology, Royal Free and University College
Hospitals, London NW3 2QG ( alison. jones@ royalfree. nhs. uk)
利益冲突( Competing interes ts) : AJ conducts clinical trials sponsored by
a number of pharmaceutical companies and is on the advisory board of
some companies including AstraZeneca, Novartis, Bristol Myers Squib,and Sanofi -Aventis.
( 樊英 译 徐兵河 校)
1 Sa nt M, Allema ni C, Be rrino F , Coleman MP , Aareleid T, Chaplain G, et
al. Brea st c ance r survival in Europe and the Uni te d Sta tes . Ca ncer 2004 ; 100:
2 Sa insbury R, Johns ton C, Howard B. Effect on survival of de la ys in referr al of
pa tients wi th brea st c ancer symptoms : a ret rospec tive analys is. La ncet 1999;
353: 1132 -5.
3 Olse n AH, Njor S, Ve jbor g W, et al. Bre as t ca ncer morta li ty in Copenhagen
after intr oduct ion of mammography scr eening: cohort s tudy. BMJ 2005 ; 330:
4 Bonadonna G, Mol iterni A, Zambett i M, Da idone MG, P ilot ti S, Gia nni L, et
al. 30 ye ars′fol low up of r andomise d studie s of a djuva nt CMF in ope rable
br eas t c ancer : cohort s tudy. BMJ 2005; 330 : 217 -20.
5 Blanks RG, Moss SM, McGahan CE, Quinn MJ , Babb PJ . Effect of NHS
br eas t scre ening pr ogramme on morta li ty from bre as t c ancer in England and
Wales 1990-8: comparison of observe d wi th pr edic te d mor ta li ty. BMJ 2000;
321: 665-9.
6 Early Brea s t Ca ncer Trials Col la borat ive Group. P olychemothe rapy for ea rly
br eas t c ancer : an ove rview of r andomise d t rials. La ncet 1998 ; 352: 930-42.
7 Hebert - Croteau N, Brisson J , Lat rei lle J , R ivard M, Abdelaziz N, Ma rt in G.
Complianc e wi th conse nsus recommendat ions for system ic therapy is as soc ia ted
with improved survival of women with node -ne gat ive br eas t c ancer. J Clin
Oncol 2004 ; 22: 3685-93.
8 Howel l A, Cuzic k J , Ba um M, Buzdar A, Dowse tt M, For bes JF , et al .
Resul ts of the ATAC ( Arimidex, Tamoxifen, alone or in c ombina tion ) t rial
after c omplet ion of 5 year s′adjuvant t reatme nt for breas t c ancer. Lancet 2005;
365: 60-2.
9 Gos s PE, Ingle JN, Mart ino S, Robert NJ , Mus s HB, P icca rt MJ, et al. A
randomised tr ial of letrozole in pos tmenopausal women after five year s of tamoxi fen
therapy for early-s ta ge brea st ca nce r. N Engl J Med 2003; 349: 1793-802.
10 Coombes RC, Hal l E, Gibson LJ , Pa rida ens R , Jas sem J , Delozier T, et al .
A randomised t rial of exemes tane after two to three year s of tamoxi fe n thera py
in pos tme nopausal women with primar y br eas t ca ncer. N Engl J Med 2004;
350: 1081 -92.
11 Soti riou C , Neo SY, McShane LM, Korn EL, Long PM, Jazae ri A, e t al .
Breas t cance r clas s ificat ion and prognos is based on ge ne expr es sion pr ofiles
from a populat ion-based s tudy. P roc Na t l Aca d Sci USA 2003; 100 : 10393-8.
12 Van de Vijve r MJ , He YD, van′ t Veer LJ , Dai H, Ha rt AA, Voskui l DW, et
al. A gene -expres s ion s ignature as a predictor of survival in bre as t c ancer. N
Engl J Med 2002 ; 347: 1999-2009.
BMJ 2005; 330 : 205-6
Evaluating new screening tests for br east cancer
May require randomised controlled trials to assess overdetection
使用磁共振成像( MRI )方法对具有乳腺癌相关
基因高突变风险的妇女进行筛查, 引起了人们对于
新型有效的筛查方法所需具备的条件的争论 ......