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    廖美琳 1 陈智伟 1 郑 莹 2 吴春晓 2 陆 舜 1 虞永峰 1 简 红 1 成柏君 1

    1 上海市胸科医院,上海市肺部肿瘤临床医学中心

    2 上海市疾病预防控制中心

    【 摘要 】 目的 对上海女性肺癌在发病、临床、影响生存期因素的调查,以期了解女性肺癌的发病预后趋势及影响生存率因素。 方法 由上海全死因登记报告系统所获得的 2002-2004 年恶性肿瘤病人死亡个案资料,按国际癌症登记协会( IACR )的肿瘤登记计算指南进行计算。分别按粗率和标率计算 1972 ~ 2004 年的年度变化分比( APC ),对上海市发病时间趋势进行估计。寿命表法计算生存率和中位生存期( MST ), Kaplan-Meier 方法绘制生存曲线, Log-rank 方法用来比较两组未调节的协变量,采用 Cox 比例风险模型对影响生存的多因素进行分析,参数包括性别、年龄、居住区域(市区、郊区)、病理(小细胞癌、鳞癌、腺癌)、期别( I 期、 II 期、 III 期、 IV 期)、首诊医院级别,逐步回归,纳入标准 0.05 ,移除标准 0.10 ,以上数据分析采用 SPSS 10.0 软件包。 结果 自 1972 年以来的 32 年,上海市中心区男性肺癌发病粗率年度变化百分比( APC )增加 1.723 %,而女性更高增加 2.036 %,均呈逐渐增高趋势 ( P <0.01) ;但男性肺癌的标化发病率 APC( 去除人口构成的影响 ) 为- 0.605 %,呈下降趋势 ( P <0.01) ,而女性的标化为 -0.136 %,呈平稳趋势( P >0.05 )。近 3 年来( 2002 ~ 2004 )上海市肺癌共发病 23196 例,男性 16475 例,女性 6721 例,不论发病粗率和标率均以男性明显高于女性分别为 81.65/10 万: 33.73/10 万和 47.13/10 万: 16.85/10 万,同样在市区、郊区间也以男性明显为多。其中期别较晚的 Ⅲ 、 Ⅳ 期占大多数,分别占 35.6% 和 42.2% ,而较早的 Ⅰ 、 Ⅱ 期肺癌仅分别占 11.8% 和 10.5% 。 Ⅰ 期男女构成比例相近; Ⅱ ~ Ⅲ 期男性比例高于女性, Ⅳ 期女性多于男性( P <0.05 )。女性肺癌最大特点为腺癌占大多数, 86.1% ,鳞癌居次,占 11.1% ,小细胞癌最少,占 2.8% 。男性腺癌也明显为高,占 47.8% ,鳞癌为 45.3% 。上海市肺癌的 3 年生存率为 14.89% , MST 为 0.79 年,男性肺癌的 3 年生存率为 14.01% , MST 为 0.77 年,女性肺癌的 3 年生存率 17.05% , MST 为 0.83 年,女性患者的 3 年生存率高于男性( P <0.01 )。对各期肺癌的分性别亚组的生存期分析显示女性患者的生存期均较男性为高( P <0.05 )。女性腺癌的生存期优于男性, 3 年生存率和 MST 分别为 30.38 % ∶22.66 %, 1.48 年 ∶0.98 年( P <0.01 )。 Cox 多因素分析结果提示性别、年龄、居住区域、病理类型、期别、首诊医院级别对肺癌生存有影响, P 均 <0.01 ;其中女性、年青、居住市区、鳞癌、早期、高级别医院可能对生存有益,而男性、老年、居住郊区、小细胞癌、晚期、低级别医院这些因素可能对肺癌患者不利。 结论 从上海 30 多年的发病趋势分析来看,上海市的发病水平逐渐向欧美国家靠拢。性别、年龄、居住区域(市区、郊区)、病理类型、期别、医院级别均为影响肺癌预后的因素。由于上海女性肺癌的时间发展趋势均较男性为高,今后有进一步增高的可能性,应予以充分重视。女性肺癌以腺癌居多,晚期居多,但各期女性肺癌的生存率均优于男性。从生物学特点看女性和男性最大区别为女性激素的存在,会否因此造成女性肺癌生存长是一个值得探讨深入的问题。

    【 Abstract 】 Objective In order to further characterize the effect of gender on the clinical features and survival of patients with lung cancer, and to determine gender-associated differences in temporal trends, we analyzed data that had been entered into Shanghai cancer registry system. Methods Data on demographics, stage at diagnosis, histology and survival were obtained on all patients with primary bronchogenic carcinoma registered in Shanghai cancer registry system from 2002 to 2004. The time trends of the male and female incidence in the urban population from 1972 to 2004 were assessed using APC (annual percent change) analysis. Relative survival rates based on life-table analysis methods were calculated to estimate the effect of cancer on survival by compensating for the expected difference in baseline survival rates between male and female populations. Cox multi-variance analyses were used to evaluate prognostic factors, those factors were gender, age, residential area, pathological type, stage and hospital grade. Results Totally 23196 new cases of lung cancer were diagnosed during 2002 - 2004 with the crude incidence rate of 57.85/100000, 28.97% were female. The male crude incidence rate and the age-adjusted rate were higher than those of female. The APC of male and female crude incidence continued to rise during the past 33 years (1.723% vs 2.036%, P <0.01). The age-adjusted incidence rate in the male had the trend of decrease in the urban area (APC was -0.605%, P >0.05), but no changes in the female during the past 33 years (APC was -0.136, P >0.05). There were more advanced stage and adenocarcinoma of women than those of men (47.5% vs 40.0%, 86.1% vs 47.8%, respectively).The overall 3-year survival rates and MST were significantly higher in women than in men (17.05% vs 14.01% ......
