谈荣玖, 陈宗琼, 江明万, 唐春红
线粒体DNA;多药耐药;肿瘤;P-糖蛋白谈荣玖,陈宗琼,江明万,唐春红.人肝癌细胞株线粒体DNA缺失对多药耐药表型的影响. 世界华人消化杂志2006;14(34)3311-3313,人肝癌
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谈荣玖, 陈宗琼, 江明万, 唐春红,重庆三峡中心医院消化科 重庆市 404000
通讯作者: 谈荣玖, 404000, 重庆市, 重庆三峡中心医院消化科. tanrongjiu.51@163.com
收稿日期:2006-09-11 接受日期: 2006-09-25
Influence of mitochondrial DNA depletion on multidrug resistance phenotype of human hepatoma cell line
Rong-Jiu Tan, Zong-Qiong Chen, Ming-Wan Jiang, Chun-Hong Tang
Rong-Jiu Tan, Zong-Qiong Chen, Ming-Wan Jiang, Chun-Hong Tang, Department of Gastroenterology, Three Gorge Central Hospital, Chongqing 404000, China
Correspondence to: Rong-Jiu Tan, Department of Gastroenterology, Three Gorge Central Hospital, Chongqing 404000, China. tanrongjiu.51@163.com
Received: 2006-09-11 Accepted: 2006-09-25
AIM: To clarify the influence of mitochondrial DNA depletion on the multidrug resistance (MDR) phenotype of human hepatoma cells.
METHODS:The sensitivities of hepatoma cells to chemotherapy were determined by MTT method, and P-glycoprotein (P-gp) and MDR protein (MRP) expression were detected by immunohistochemistry. The differences of P-gp and MRP expression and sensitivities to chemotherapeutic druds were comparatively analyzed between SK-Hep1 and rhoo SK-Hep1 cells.
RESULTS:Adriamycin inhibited SK-Hep1 cells with a rate of 56%, 61%, 72%, and 75%, respectively, at 12, 24, 36, and 48 h, while cisplatin inhibited them with a rate of 54%, 60%, 77%, and 81%. However, adriamycin inhibited rhoo SK-Hep1 cells with a rate of 10%, 18%, 20%, and 22%, while cisplatin inhibited them with a rate of 19%, 20 ......