【摘要】 目的 以箱庭疗法为主对1例多次自杀未遂的高三女生进行系列心理干预。 方法 对来访者进行了11次箱庭疗法干预和7次面谈咨询。 结果 在箱庭“自由且受保护的空间”里,来访者内心世界得到了充分的表现,心理状态有了良好的改善,获得良好的干预效果。 结论 箱庭疗法可有效缓解或消除各种心理问题和心理障碍。【关键词】 自杀未遂;箱庭疗法;自由保护空间
Sandplay therapy on a grade 3 school girl attempted suicide
Chen Shunsen
(Institute of Psychotechnics ,Zhangzhou Normal University,Zhangzhou,363000,China)
【Abstract】 Objective To conduct mental intervention to a grade 3 school girl who had attempted suicide for many times with sandplay therapy. Methods The client was conducted 11 times sandplay therapy and 7 times interview. Results In the “freedom and protective space” of sangplay, the client exhibited her inner world sufficiently, her mental state had improvement. The intervention accepted good effect. Conclusion Sandplay therapy can relieve or eliminate various mental problem and psychologic obstacle.
【Keywords】 Suicidal attempt; Sandplay therapy; freedom and protective space
自杀是个体生命全程的最后一项权利,往往是个体在丧失归属感而绝望时的一种逃避行为,是心理障碍最极端的后果。通过心理咨询、治疗等干预途径,可以有效预防自杀的发生,帮助个体渡过危险期,改善适应能力。箱庭疗法是让来访者通过玩具模型在规定的沙箱内表现自己内心世界,是以游戏形式进行的一种有效的心理治疗方法[1] ......
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