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http://www.100md.com 《中国热带医学》 2006年第2期
     摘要:目的 研究西林县鼠疫流行期间主要宿主动物和媒介蚤的特征,探讨鼠疫流行的危险因素。 方法 在2001年鼠疫流行期间对一、二和三类疫区采用笼捕法进行鼠密度调查,采用粘蚤纸法进行地面游离蚤调查,对捕获的鼠蚤进行分类鉴定。 结果 一类区黄胸鼠密度为5.73%,高于二、三类区的4.87%和4.77%;二类区的黄胸鼠体印鼠客蚤指数为0.14,明显低于一、三类区的0.98和0.93;一类区的地面游离蚤指数为0.06,明显高于二、三类区的0.0054和0。 结论 家鼠鼠疫疫区黄胸鼠和印鼠客蚤占总数的70%以上,当室内黄胸鼠密度大于5%及黄胸鼠体印鼠客蚤指数大于1等三项指标同时成立是鼠疫流行前期的预兆。


    Survey of principal host animals and vector fleas during endemic of plague in Xilin County of Guangxi.

    ZHOUShu-wu,LIANG Jiang-ming,ZENG Jun,et al.

    (Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Nanning530021.Guangxi,P.R.China)

    Abstract:Objective To investigate the species of the major host animals and the major vectors during outbreak of plague in Xiling County,Guangxi Autonomous Region in2001and analyze the risk factors leading to plague epidemic. Methods Mouse density was surveyed in three types of endemic areas by cage-catch and the species of fleas caught by using flea sticky paper were dissected and identified. Results The density of Rattus flavipectusin the first type of endemic area was5.73% ......

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