【摘要】 目的 调查江苏地区乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)基因型分布状况,研究α2干扰素治疗应答与患者HBV基因型的关系。方法 用PCR的方法鉴定江苏地区175例乙型肝炎患者的HBV基因型,对其中105例使用α2干扰素治疗的B或C基因型慢乙肝患者进行回顾性研究。结果 江苏地区乙肝患者基因型以B型和 C型为主,分别为29.7%和65.1%。C基因型患者HBeAg阳性率显著高于B型患者。B基因型慢乙肝患者干扰素治疗结束时应答及持久应答(治疗结束后随访6个月)均高于C基因型(P<0.005)。结论 江苏地区HBV 基因型以C型,B型为主。相对于C基因型,B基因型对α2干扰素治疗应答率较高。提示HBV基因分型有重要的临床意义。【关键词】 乙型肝炎病毒 基因型 α2干扰素
Clinic Study on Relationship between HBV Genotypes and Response to Interferon Alpha-2 therapy in Jiangsu Province
Ai Min, et al.
(Nanjing No.2 Hospital, Nanjing, Zhejiang210003, China)
【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the distribution of hepatitis B virus (HBV) genotypes in Jiangsu province and explore the relationship between HBV genotypes and the response to interferon alpha-2 therapy. Methods HBV genotypes were identified in 175 CHB patients by PCR method. 105 genotype B or C infected chronic hepatitis B patients who had been treated with interferon alpha-2 were retrospectively studied. Results Most genotypes in Jiangsu province were B and C types (29.7% and 65.1% respectively). HBeAg positive rate in patients of genotype C was higher than that of genotype B. The end-of-treatment response (ETR) and sustained response (six months after treatment,SR-6) to interferon therapy was higher in HBV genotype B compared with HBV genotype C infected patients (P<0.005).Conclusions HBV genotype B and C are the major genotypes prevalent in Jiangsu province. HBV genotype B, compared to genotype C, is associated with a higher response rate to interferon alpha-2 therapy. It suggests that the clinical status of HBV genotypes was significant. ......
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