【摘要】 青鹏膏为藏族传统经典验方,用于治疗痛风、湿痹等引起的骨关节疼痛证。本文根据藏医学理论对奇正青鹏膏方解进行阐释,并对处方中有效成分进行分析,认为方中主要有效成分为黄酮类、生物碱类、蒽醌类及鞣质类化合物。药效试验及临床试验均显示奇正青鹏膏对多种炎症引起的骨关节疼痛具有良好的治疗作用。【关键词】 奇正青鹏膏;骨关节疼痛;方解;有效成分
Analysis of Prescription and Effective Components of QiZheng QingPeng Ointment for Joint Pain.
Zhongshihong Gurui Wangwen
【Abstract】 The QingPeng Ointment is a traditional proved prescription of Tibetan.It's used to treat the joint pain caused by gout rheumatism and so on.The article explained the prescription of QiZheng QingPeng Ointment by the theory of Tibetan Medicine.It showed that the main effective components of the prescription are flavone,alkaloids,anthraquinones and tannins by analysis.The QiZheng Qing-Peng Ointment showed good therapeutical effect on joint pain by the experiments of pharmacodynamics and clinic.
【Key words】 QiZheng QingPeng Ointment;Joint pain;prescription analysis;effective components
青鹏膏剂为藏族传统经典验方,藏文名称“秀巴恰琼恩保”。该药成方于公元16世纪,始载于五世达赖时期摄政王第司桑杰嘉措所著《藏医医诀补遗》,迄今已有500多年的藏医临床用药经验,是藏族人民在长期的医疗实践中摸索出来的止痛消肿良药。奇正青鹏膏在青鹏膏原有工艺基础上,采用现代工艺制备,外抹使用,用于治疗痛风、湿痹、“冈巴”、“黄水”等病引起的骨关节疼痛 ......
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