摘要:目的考察三花鼻康胶囊中金银花的提取工艺。方法利用 L9(34)正交实验法选出金银花有效成分绿原酸、异绿原酸的最佳提取方法及绿原酸的含量测定。结果考察出金银花的最佳提取工艺为A2B2C1,即纯净干燥药材加10倍量的水,煎煮2次,30 min/次。结论正交实验法选择金银花的提取工艺切实可行。关键词:三花鼻康胶囊; 提取; 工艺
Study of the Process of Extracting Honeysuckle in Sanhua Bikang Capsules
HAO Fenlan, WU Liming
(Nanyang Chinese Medical College, Nanyang 473061,China)
Abstract:ObjectiveTo study the process of extracting honeysuckle in Sanhua Bikang capsules.MethodsTo find out the best way to pick out the useful parts chlorogenic acid and isochlorogenic acid from honeysuckle by orthogonal experiment with L9(34).ResultsThe best way of extracting honeysuckle was A2B2C1, that was, to add water ten times of the medicine to the clean and dry medicine ,and boil them twice,30 minutes each time.ConclusionThe way of L9 (34) is feasible.
Key words:Sanhua Bikang; Extraction; Process
三花鼻康胶囊是以金银花、辛夷、菊花为主药的中药制剂 ......
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