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http://www.100md.com 《时珍国医国药》 2006年第11期
     摘要:目的研究影响回归平衡胶囊制备的各种因素,确定最佳工艺条件。方法用正交实验 L9(34)设计安排实验,分别以干膏收率;龙胆苦苷含量为考察指标,优选回归平衡胶囊提取工艺。结果回归平衡胶囊最佳提取工艺为药材20倍量的水,提取2次,2 h/次。结论该方法可用于回归平衡胶囊的工业化生产。

    关键词:回归平衡胶囊; 正交实验法; 龙胆苦苷

    Studies on Process for Extraction of Huigui Pingheng Capsules by Orthogonal Experiment

    ZHANG Shaowen ,XIE Wen

    (Department of Pharmacy,Wuhan Medical & Health Center for Women and Children, 430016,China)

    Abstract:ObjectiveTo optimize the technological parameters of Huigui Pingheng Capsules through controlling the different factors.MethodsFactors for the water extraction were studied by L9(34) orthogonal test designs using extract dry and gentiopicrin as index respectively.ResultsThe optimum conditions for manufacture of Huigui Pingheng Capsules were to water soluble medicinal materials in 20 times amounts of water soluble medicinal materials for 2 hours.ConclusionThe technology is available for industrial production.

    Key words:Huigui Pingheng Capsules; Orthogonal Experiment; Gentiopicrin

    回归平衡胶囊由黄柏、龙胆、熟地、知母、墨旱莲等,为治疗儿童性早熟的中药复方制剂,具有清热降火、滋补肾阴的作用[1]。经多年临床观察应用证明,本品具有明显治疗儿单月经来潮,乳房发育,阴腋毛生长 ......

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