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http://www.100md.com 《时珍国医国药》 2006年第10期
     摘要:目的观察采用活血化淤法分期治疗子宫腺肌病的临床疗效。方法患者于平时服用桂枝茯苓丸加味,于经前1周至经行结束服用失笑散加味,连续治疗3个月经周期。结果两方配伍分期治疗对于改善患者痛经、经量增多方面治疗前后具有明显差异,但对于经期延长这一症状改善程度治疗前后差异不显著。结论 该方法治疗子宫腺肌病可显著改善患者痛经及经量过多的症状,而对于经期延长的治疗效果有待于进一步扩大观察例数。

    关键词:活血化淤; 子宫腺肌病

    A Clinical Observation of 27 Adenomyosis Patients by Removing Blood Stasis During the Different Periods in the Menstrual Cycle

    SHEN Yulian, JIN Jiling

    (Tianjin University of TCM, 300193, China; The First Hospital Attached to Tianjin University of TCM, 300193, China)

    Abstract:ObjectiveTo observe the clinical curative effect on Adenomyosis patients by removing blood stasis during the different periods in the menstrual cycle.MethodsThe patients took the modified Dower for Dissipating Blood Stasis from the day that one week before the menstruation came to the day that the menstruation ended, and took the modified Bolus of Ramulus Cinnamomi and Poria during the other days in a menstrual cycle. All patients took these two kinds of decoction continuously for three menstrual cycles. ResultsThere was significant difference after three menstrual cycles therapy in improving the symptoms of dysmenorrhea and excessive menstruation. While in shortening the days of menorrhagia, there was not significant difference. ConclusionTreatment of promoting blood circulation by removing blood stasis is significantly efficient to Adenomyosis patients in improving the symptoms of dysmenorrhea and excessive menstruation. While the effect of shortening the days of menorrhagia still needs further observation by enlarging cases. ......

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