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http://www.100md.com 崔荣丽, 金 珠
胃黄色瘤;慢性胃炎;肠上皮化生;幽门螺杆菌崔荣丽,金珠.胃黄色瘤的临床病理分析312例. 世界华人消化杂志2007;15(6)646-648,崔荣丽,金珠,通讯作者:,电话:,收稿日期:,接受日期:,Histopathologicalandclin

     崔荣丽, 金珠, 北京大学第三医院消化科 北京市 100083

崔荣丽, 100083, 北京市海淀区花园北路49号, 北京大学第三医院消化科. rl_cui@126.com


2006-12-10 接受日期: 2007-01-10

    Histopathological and clinical analysis on 312 cases of gastric xanthelasma

    Rong-Li Cui, Zhu Jin

    Rong-Li Cui, Zhu Jin,Department of Gastroenterology, the Third Hospital of Peking University, Beijing 100083, China

    Correspondence to:
Rong-Li Cui, Department of Gastroenterology, the Third Hospital of Peking University, Beijing 100083, China. rl_cui@126.com

2006-12-10 Accepted:2007-01-10



To explore the histopathological and clinical characteristics of gastric xanthelasma (lipid island).

    METHODS:Histopathological and clinical analyses were performed on 312 cases of gastric xanthelasma.

    RESULTS:The detectable rate of endoscopy for gastric xanthelasma was 0.59% in our hospital. Gastric xanthelasma was most frequently found in the antrum (229/312, 73.4%). Of the 312 cases with gastric xanthelasma, 192 cases (61.5%) were diagnosed with superficial gastritis, 93 cases (29.8%) with atrophic gastritis, 106 cases (34.0%) with intestinal metaplasia, and 108 cases (34.6%) with H pylori infection.

    CONCLUSION: Multiple factors such as mucosal inflammation, atrophy, intestinal metaplasia andH pylori infection are involved in the occurrence of gastric xanthelasma, and inflammation may play a dominant role.

    Key Words: Gastric xanthelasma; Chronic gastritis; Intestinal metaplasia; Helicobacter pylori

    Cui RL, Jin Z. Histopathological and clinical analysis on 312 cases of gastric xanthelasma. Shijie Huaren Xiaohua Zazhi 2007;15(6):646-648


    方法:收集1997-2006年我院胃黏膜活检资料, 并对胃镜活检诊断为胃黄色瘤的312个病例进行病理分析. 

    结果: 10 a间我院胃镜活检中胃黄色瘤的检出率为0.59%. 312例患者中, 病变位于胃窦部229例(73.4%); 伴发浅表性胃炎192例(61.5%), 萎缩性胃炎者93例(29.8%), 肠上皮化生者106例(34.0%), 幽门螺杆菌阳性者108例(34.6%).

    结论: 胃黄色瘤中老年人好发, 可能是胃黏膜炎症、萎缩、肠上皮化生、幽门螺杆菌感染、残胃、多次活检等多种因素协同作用的结果, 其中胃黏膜的炎症可能起主要作用.

    关键词:胃黄色瘤; 慢性胃炎; 肠上皮化生; 幽门螺杆菌

    崔荣丽,金珠. 胃黄色瘤的临床病理分析312例. 世界华人消化杂志 2007;15(6):646-648

    0 引言

    胃黄色瘤又称脂质小岛, 胃镜下表现为黄白色结节样隆起, 属于良性病变. 他是胃黏膜活检病理诊断中较为常见的一种组织学表现, 其确切病因目前尚不清楚. 本文通过对我院胃镜活检组织经病理确诊为黄色瘤的病例进行回顾性分析, 旨在探讨其临床病理特征及与胃黏膜病变的关系. 

    1 材料和方法

    1.1 材料 收集1997/2006-10我院胃黏膜活检的资料共52 805例, 其中共有病理诊断为黄色瘤者312例.

    1.2 方法 组织固定于40 g/L福尔马林, 石蜡包埋, HE染色, 并做Warthin-Starry染色(简称WS)检查H pylori.

     统计学处理统计分析采用STATA5.0软件分析, 进行 c2检验,P<0.05为有统计学意义.

    2 结果

    10 a间我院胃镜并取活检者52 805例, 经病理诊断为黄色瘤者共312例,检出率为0.59%; 其中,男162例, 女150例,男∶女之比为1.03∶ 1;年龄24-90(平均59.1)岁,其中50岁以上者为243例(77.9%). 20-30岁者6例, 31-40岁者22例, 41-50岁者41例, 51-60岁者79例, 61岁以上者164例.

    2.1 胃镜特点黄色瘤病灶多为浅黄色、黄白色,斑片状, 直径0.1-1.5 cm,单发或多发, 单发者: 多发者 = 15∶1. 在312例患者中,病变位于胃窦部229例(73 ......
