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http://www.100md.com 吴洲清, 唐健熹, 信 芝, 姚 蓝, 宋家武

     吴洲清, 武汉大学附属中南医院 湖北省武汉市 430072

    吴洲清, 唐健熹, 信芝, 姚蓝, 宋家武,
中山大学附属第五医院消化内科 广东省珠海市 519000

    广东省自然科学基金资助项目, No. 04300264

    湖北省自然科学基金, No. 2004AA301C98

    湖北省科技攻关项目, No. 2005AA304B05

宋家武, 519000, 广东省珠海市, 中山大学附属第五医院消化内科. songjw@mail.sysu.edu.cn

    电话: 0756-2528843 传真: 0756-3318499

    收稿日期: 2006-11-25 接受日期: 2006-12-27

    X gene: a novel target for anti-hepatitis B virus infection

Zhou-Qing Wu, Jian-Xi Tang, Zhi Xin, Lan Yao, Jia-Wu Song

    Zhou-Qing Wu,
Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, Hubei Province, China

    Zhou-Qing Wu, Jian-Xi Tang, Zhi Xin, Lan Yao, Jia-Wu Song,
Department of Digestive Diseases, the Fifth Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen Univeristy, Zhuhai 519000, Guangdong Province, China

    Supported by
the Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province, No. 04300264, the Natural Science Foundation of Hubei Province, No. 2004AA301C98, and the Key Science and Technology Project of Hubei Province, No. 2005AA304B05

    Correspondence to:
Dr. Jia-Wu Song, Department of Digestive Diseases, The Fifth Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, Zhuhai 519000, Guangdong Province, China. songjw@mail.sysu.edu.cn

2006-11-25 Accepted:2006-12-27


    X gene is one of the four genes of hepatitis B virus (HBV). HBV X (HBx) protein, which was coded by HBx gene, is a multifunctional regulator of cellular signal transduction and transcription pathways, and it is not only essential for the regulation of host immune reaction, participates all the HBV-related pathogenesis such as inflammation, carcinogenesis and other pathological process, but also play a critical role in HBV infection, replication, and gene expression. Down-regulation, knocking-out, or functional blockage of X gene can obviously inhibit the replication of HBV. In this review, we attempted to describe the current advance on the role of X gene in HBV replication and gene expression, and suggested that HBx had been a promising target for the treatment of HBV infection.

    Key Words: X gene; Hepatitis B virus; Treatment; Target

    Wu ZQ, Tang JX, Xin Z, Yao L, Song JW. X gene: a novel target for anti-hepatitis B virus infection. Shijie Huaren Xiaohua Zazhi 2007;15(7):717-720


    X基因是乙型肝炎病毒(hepatitis B virus, HBV)的四个基因之一. 最近的研究表明, 他不仅参与HBV感染宿主过程, 还影响HBV病毒基因的复制和表达, 直接或/和间接通过宿主的免疫反应或其他作用, 导致HBV致病的系列病理过程, 而且在HBV生命周期中具有非常重要的作用. 降低或去除X基因转录, 或者封闭X蛋白某些功能以及使X基因表达沉默均能显著抑制病毒复制水平. 本文通过对X基因在HBV复制和基因表达中的作用以及针对X基因的干预对HBV复制和基因表达的影响的最新研究成果进行综述, 提出X基因是乙肝抗病毒治疗的一个新靶点.

    关键词: X基因; 乙型肝炎病毒; 治疗; 靶点

    吴洲清, 唐健熹, 信芝, 姚蓝, 宋家武. X基因——抗乙型肝炎病毒治疗的新靶点. 世界华人消化杂志 2007;15(7):717-720

    0 引言

    X基因是一种仅存于嗜肝性乙型肝炎病毒(hepatitis B virus, HBV)的基因, 其基因结构具有极明显的特殊性, 至今尚未在其他逆转录病毒和生物细胞中发现他的存在. 在被发现初期, 表达产物X蛋白的氨基酸序列与其他已知的生物蛋白序列有很大不同, 无法推测其功能, 而被命名为X蛋白. 同时, X基因还具有高度的保守性[2], 在嗜肝病毒的进化中, 基因序列一直保持着高度的基因同源性 ......
