[摘要]目的观察沐舒坦静脉给药治疗毛细支气管炎效果。方法对确诊为毛细支气管炎66例患儿(2003年1月~2005年12月)随机分为治疗组和对照组各33例,治疗组行常规抗感染、对症、激素等治疗基础上,加用沐舒坦治疗观察。结果治疗组喘憋、气促、肺部哮鸣、痰鸣恢复情况明显优于对照组(P<001)。结论 沐舒坦静滴治疗毛细支气管炎疗效显著。[关键词]沐舒坦;毛细支气管炎;治疗
Observation on auxiliary treatment of bronchilitis with ambroxol
WU Kai.
The Fifth Peoples Hospital in Chongqing,Chongqing 400062,China
[Abstract]Objective To investigate the curative effect of intravenous dripping ambroxol on the bronchiolitis. Methods 66 patients (1.2003~12.2005)were divided randomly into treatment group and contrast group averagely.The treatment group was treated with ambroxol besides the routine therapy such as antibiotic ......
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