[摘 要] 目的:提供科学的臀部解剖学数据,确定安全的臀部肌肉注射部位。方法:取130例(男112例,女18例)成人下肢标本,在臀部外上区进行逐层解剖,观察测量皮肤与皮下组织以及臀大肌和臀中肌的厚度;观察臀上神经的分支类型以及臀上动脉、静脉的管径,并个别进行穿刺观察。结果:皮肤与皮下组织厚度为(1.12±0.35)cm,臀大肌厚度为(1.75±0.48)cm,臀中肌的厚度为(1.41±0.35)cm,臀上神经与臀上血管的深支在臀肌之间共同形成血管神经层,多分为上、下两支,占(64±0.68)%,血管分别位于相应神经的下方。结论:从大转子到坐骨结节连线以上的臀部外上区,其下中1/3和前1/3区的上部最适宜肌肉注射,上、中1/3区下部两横指处可作被选部位,其余区域不宜肌肉注射。[关键词] 臀部外上区;肌肉注射;体表定位;分析
Anatomy Analysis on Intramuscular Injection in Gluteal Area
WANG Jingzhen
(Zhecheng People's Hospital, Zhecheng, He'nan 476100,China)
Abstract:Objective To offer scientific anatomy data for gluteal area,be sure safely intramuscular injection in gluteal area.Methods To take 130 (male 112,female 18) adult lower limbs,where carry out dissecting layer by layer to observe and measure the thickness between the skin and hypodermis as well as the thickness between the gluteus maximus and gluteus medius;watch the branched type of arteria glutaea superior as well as the caliber of arteria glutaea superior and the nerve,giving individual stab observation.Results The thickness between skin and hypodermis is 1.12±0.35cm,the gluteus maximus' is (1.75±0.48)cm,gluteus medius'is (1.41±0.35)cm,the deep branch of superior gluteal nerve and blood form in common vascular nerve layer,most of which divided into upper and lower branches,tacking (64±0.68)cm,the blood vessela are separately under the revelant nerve.Conclusion Atteusor fasciae latae,liuking form greater trochanter to tuber is chiaclican,its lower 1/3 and anteri or 1/3 is the most suitable site to inject.Its upper and micldle 1/3 orea about two finger breadths can be elected,others are nit. ......
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