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http://www.100md.com 韩新巍, 吴 刚, 赵 明, 马 骥, 管 生, 水少锋, 马 南, 王艳丽
胃;气管;支气管;瘘;临床表现;计算机断层成像技术,韩新巍,吴刚,赵明,马骥,管生,水少锋,马南,王艳丽,通讯作者:,电话:, 传真:,收稿日期:,接受日期:,Clinicalmanifestationsandcomputedtomo

     韩新巍, 武汉华中科技大学生物医学工程研究所 湖北省武汉市 430074

    吴刚, 赵明, 马骥, 管生, 水少锋, 马南, 王艳丽,
郑州大学第一附属医院放射科 河南省郑州市 450052

韩新巍, 450052, 河南省郑州市建设东路1号, 郑州大学第一附属医院放射科. hanxinwei2006@163.com

0371-65165352 传真: 0371-66913623

2006-11-22 接受日期: 2007-01-10

    Clinical manifestations and computed tomography diagnosis for thoracostomach-airway fistula

    Xin-Wei Han, Gang Wu, Ming Zhao, Ji Ma, Sheng Guan, Shao-Feng Shui, Nan Ma, Yan-Li Wang

    Xin-Wei Han, Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, Hubei Province, China

    Gang Wu, Ming Zhao, Ji Ma, Sheng Guan, Shao-Feng Shui, Nan Ma, Yan-Li Wang,
Department of Radiology, the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450052, Henan Province, China

    Correspondence to:
Xin-Wei Han, Department of Radiology, the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450052, Henan Province,China. hanxinwei2006@163.com

2006-11-22 Accepted: 2007-01-10


AIM:To analyze the clinical manifestations and spiral computed tomography (CT) signs of thoracostomach-airway fistula (TSAF).

    METHODS: The clinical manifestations and spiral CT signs were analyzed in 23 patients with TSAF.

    RESULTS: The main clinical manifestations of TSAF were irritative choke after drinking or eating, fever, stubborn pulmonary infection, dyspnea, tachycardia and becoming thin, etc. The site and size of TSAF were shown exactly in 20 patients by spiral CT. According to spiral CT, the pulmonary infection and particular anatomic structures between the fistula and its adjoining air passage in details could be observed, and the inner diameters of the trachea and main bronchi could be measured.

    CONCLUSION: TSAF has distinctive clinical manifestations. CT is a non-invasive and non-stimulative examination for TSAF.

    Key Words: Stomach; Trachea; Bronchus; Fistula; Clinical manifestation; Computed tomography

    Han XW, Wu G, Zhao M, Ma J, Guan S, Shui SF, Ma N, Wang YL. Clinical manifestations and computed tomography diagnosis for thoracostomach-airway fistula. Shijie Huaren Xiaohua Zazhi 2007;15(8):905-908


    目的: 探讨胸腔胃-气道瘘的临床与螺旋CT表现, 提高人们对本病的认识. 

    方法: 回顾性分析23例具有完整临床资料的胸腔胃-气道瘘的临床表现和螺旋CT征象. 

    结果: 胸腔胃-气道瘘主要临床表现为烧灼样刺激性呛咳、发热、顽固性肺部感染、呼吸困难、心动过速、消瘦等; 20例(87%)胸部螺旋CT直接显示胸腔胃-气道瘘的瘘确切位置、瘘口大小以及瘘与气道的毗邻关系, 并且能够观察肺部感染和测量气管、主支气管的内径.

    结论: 胸腔胃-气道瘘具有特征性临床表现, 螺旋CT是一种无创伤性、无刺激性检查确诊手段, 并为下一步制定治疗方案提供详细资料.

    关键词: 胃; 气管; 支气管; 瘘; 临床表现; 计算机断层成像技术

    韩新巍, 吴刚, 赵明, 马骥, 管生, 水少锋, 马南, 王艳丽. 胸腔胃-气道瘘的临床表现与螺旋CT诊断. 世界华人消化杂志 2007;15(8):905-908

    0 引言

    食管癌广泛切除、胃上提胸腔内行主动脉弓上或颈部吻合术后, 胸腔胃走行于后纵隔原食管床区与气管、隆突和主支气管相互毗邻并黏连机化为一体, 肿瘤复发、放射损伤、感染、缺血、胃溃疡等原因引起胃壁和气道壁破坏, 胸腔内之胃腔与气道之间相互沟通即形成胸腔胃-气道瘘[1-2] ......
