游 晶, 庄 林, 马永良, 唐宝璋
慢性乙型肝炎;乙型肝炎病毒;辅助性T细胞;细胞因子网络;免疫游晶,庄林,马永良,唐宝璋.慢性乙型肝炎的Th细胞亚群及相关细胞因子网络失衡. 世界华人消化杂志2007;15(8)791-799,游晶,唐宝璋,庄林,马永良,通讯作者:
游晶, 唐宝璋, 昆明医学院第一附属医院感染病科 云南省昆明市 650032
庄林, 马永良, 昆明市第三人民医院肝病科 云南省昆明市 650041
通讯作者: 游晶, 650032, 云南省昆明市, 昆明医学院第一附属医院感染病科. jingyoukm@126.com
电话: 0871-5324888
收稿日期: 2006-11-23 接受日期: 2006-12-27
Research advances in the imbalance of helper T lymphocyte subpopulations and cytokine network in patients with chronic hepatitis B
Jing You, Lin Zhuang, Yong-Liang Ma, Bao-Zhang Tang
Jing You, Bao-Zhang Tang, Department of Infectious Diseases, the First Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical College, Kunming 650032, Yunnan Province, China
Lin Zhuang, Yong-Liang Ma, Department of Hepatopathy, the Third Municipal People’s Hospital of Kunming, Kunming 650041, Yunnan Province, China
Correspondence to: Dr. Jing You, Department of Infectious Diseases, the First Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical College, Kunming 650032, Yunnan Province, China. jingyoukm@126.com
Received: 2006-11-23 Accepted: 2006-12-27
AbstractHelper T (Th) lymphocytes, important immune regulating cells of organism, could be divided into four functional subsets, Th0, Th1, Th2, Th3, on the basis of the immunoregulatory cytokines that these clones produced. Most of the current work in this field is exploratory and focuses on Th1 and Th2 subsets. Th1 cells secrete interferon-γ (IFN-γ), interkeukin-2 (IL-2) and tumor necrosis factor-β and are principally involved in cell-mediated immunity. They play an important role in the protection against intracellular pathogens, including a variety of viruses. Th2 cells secret interleukin-4 (IL-4), IL-5, IL-6 and IL-10 and regulate the humoral immune response. Th0 cells are naive Th cells, secreting Th1/Th2 phenotype cytokines at low levels. However, Th3 cells, which secrete active transforming growth factor-β, exert a negative immunoregulatory action on the immune response. The cross-regulatory properties of Th1 and Th2 subset cells and relevant cytokines network are very important to maintain normal immunity of organisms. HBV can destroy the balance of Th lymphocytes and cytokines network. The imbalance of pro-inflammatory Th1 and anti-inflammatory Th2 cytokine production play an important role in the immunopathogenesis of hepatitis B virus infection and alter chronic liver disease development, progression and outcome.
Key Words: Chronic hepatitis B; Hepatitis B virus; Helper T lymphocytes; Cytokines network; Immune
You J, Zhuang L, Ma YL, Tang BZ. Research advances in the imbalance of helper T lymphocyte subpopulations and cytokine network in patients with chronic hepatitis B. Shijie Huaren Xiaohua Zazhi 2007;15(8):791-799
摘要辅助性T细胞(helper T cell, Th细胞)是根据功能分类的一个T细胞亚群, 根据所分泌细胞因子的不同, Th细胞可分为Th0、Thl、Th2和Th3 4种亚群, 其中研究最多的是Thl和Th2两个亚群. Thl/Th2细胞及其细胞因子网络的调节对维持机体正常的免疫功能至关重要. 乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)感染机体后, 多种因素影响Th细胞增殖并且调节其亚型比例, 细胞因子网络受到破坏, 在细胞因子介导下便可造成肝脏等组织和器官的损害, 直接或间接地影响到乙型肝炎发病及其转归 ......
游晶, 唐宝璋, 昆明医学院第一附属医院感染病科 云南省昆明市 650032
庄林, 马永良, 昆明市第三人民医院肝病科 云南省昆明市 650041
通讯作者: 游晶, 650032, 云南省昆明市, 昆明医学院第一附属医院感染病科. jingyoukm@126.com
电话: 0871-5324888
收稿日期: 2006-11-23 接受日期: 2006-12-27
Research advances in the imbalance of helper T lymphocyte subpopulations and cytokine network in patients with chronic hepatitis B
Jing You, Lin Zhuang, Yong-Liang Ma, Bao-Zhang Tang
Jing You, Bao-Zhang Tang, Department of Infectious Diseases, the First Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical College, Kunming 650032, Yunnan Province, China
Lin Zhuang, Yong-Liang Ma, Department of Hepatopathy, the Third Municipal People’s Hospital of Kunming, Kunming 650041, Yunnan Province, China
Correspondence to: Dr. Jing You, Department of Infectious Diseases, the First Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical College, Kunming 650032, Yunnan Province, China. jingyoukm@126.com
Received: 2006-11-23 Accepted: 2006-12-27
AbstractHelper T (Th) lymphocytes, important immune regulating cells of organism, could be divided into four functional subsets, Th0, Th1, Th2, Th3, on the basis of the immunoregulatory cytokines that these clones produced. Most of the current work in this field is exploratory and focuses on Th1 and Th2 subsets. Th1 cells secrete interferon-γ (IFN-γ), interkeukin-2 (IL-2) and tumor necrosis factor-β and are principally involved in cell-mediated immunity. They play an important role in the protection against intracellular pathogens, including a variety of viruses. Th2 cells secret interleukin-4 (IL-4), IL-5, IL-6 and IL-10 and regulate the humoral immune response. Th0 cells are naive Th cells, secreting Th1/Th2 phenotype cytokines at low levels. However, Th3 cells, which secrete active transforming growth factor-β, exert a negative immunoregulatory action on the immune response. The cross-regulatory properties of Th1 and Th2 subset cells and relevant cytokines network are very important to maintain normal immunity of organisms. HBV can destroy the balance of Th lymphocytes and cytokines network. The imbalance of pro-inflammatory Th1 and anti-inflammatory Th2 cytokine production play an important role in the immunopathogenesis of hepatitis B virus infection and alter chronic liver disease development, progression and outcome.
Key Words: Chronic hepatitis B; Hepatitis B virus; Helper T lymphocytes; Cytokines network; Immune
You J, Zhuang L, Ma YL, Tang BZ. Research advances in the imbalance of helper T lymphocyte subpopulations and cytokine network in patients with chronic hepatitis B. Shijie Huaren Xiaohua Zazhi 2007;15(8):791-799
摘要辅助性T细胞(helper T cell, Th细胞)是根据功能分类的一个T细胞亚群, 根据所分泌细胞因子的不同, Th细胞可分为Th0、Thl、Th2和Th3 4种亚群, 其中研究最多的是Thl和Th2两个亚群. Thl/Th2细胞及其细胞因子网络的调节对维持机体正常的免疫功能至关重要. 乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)感染机体后, 多种因素影响Th细胞增殖并且调节其亚型比例, 细胞因子网络受到破坏, 在细胞因子介导下便可造成肝脏等组织和器官的损害, 直接或间接地影响到乙型肝炎发病及其转归 ......