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http://www.100md.com 2007年3月19日 《中国医药报》 2007.03.19

    Shop assistant: Hello! May I help you?


    Potential customer: Do you have a weight-reducing appliance?


    Shop assistant: No, but we have some kind of healthcare food product.


    Potential customer: A lot of newspaper ads have been talking abouta very effective weight-reducing appliance recently,and I think some ofthem are being sold in drugstores.


    Shop assistant: As far as I know, a weight-reducing appliance is notpart of any medical apparatus,andmoreover,it is not proper for any ent-erprise工作to magnify its effect.


    Potential customer: Are you sure?


    Shop assistant: Yes, broadcasting programs criticized such activitiesa few days ago.


    Potential customer: Then how can I know what is a valid medical app-aratus?


    Shop assistant: First, please make sure the shop selling a medical apparatus has a valid license to do so.Do not buy sucht hings from individuals or organizations operating withoutalicense. Second, please check the product data such as the manufacturer''s license and regist-ration numbers and the handbookand eligibility certification of the apparatus. And remember to get aninvoice to help you tackle any future problem.


    Potential custome: After your advise, I know what to do. Can I checkout your healthcare food product?


    Shop assistant: Counter number2, please.


    Potential customer: Oh, I''d rather come with my wife later.


    Shop assistant: Okay, thankyou. Goodbye!


    Potential customer: Bye!

    (赵喜君 华铮 王立峰), http://www.100md.com(赵喜君;华铮;王立峰)