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http://www.100md.com 《中国公共卫生》 2007年第1期
     摘要: 目的 探讨女性青春期发育前后血清雌二醇(E2)和睾酮(T)的变化趋势,评价遗传与环境因素相对效应。方法 以学校登记为基础募集6~18岁女性双生子180对,其中同卵双生子(MZ)132对,异卵双生子(DZ)48对,按Tanner标准进行青春发育分期,放免法测定空腹血清雌二醇(E2)和睾酮(T)浓度。结果 血清E2和T浓度随青春期进程而增高,Tanner Ⅳ期达高峰,Tanner Ⅴ期略有下降;遗传效应分析显示,双生子血清E2 和T偶内平均差、偶内方差为MZDZ;表型方差中归因于加性遗传因素的部分分别为40%(E2)和47%(T);分期估计遗传度显示E2和T均为已来潮组遗传度高于乳房未发育组和未来潮组。结论 青春期女性血清E2和T同时受遗传和环境因素的影响,月经来潮后遗传因素的作用显著。

    关键词: 女性;双生子;遗传度;青春期

    Influence of genetic and environmental factors on serum estradiol and testosterone of twin girls

    LI Hongjuan,JI Chengye.

    Department of Human Sport Science,Beijing Sport University(Beijing 100084,China)

    Abstract: Objective To explore the change of serum estradiol (E2) and testosterone (T) concentrations throughout the puberty of girls and estimate the effects of genetic and environmental factors on serum E2 and T concentrations.Methods The study population consisted of 180 pairs of twin girls aged 6 to 18 of whom.132 pairs monozygotic twins(MZ) and 48 pairs dizygotic twins(DZ),who were all from Qingdao city of Shandong province.Anthropometric measurement and pubertal development stage were determined by Tanner standard.Fasting serum E2 and T contents were assayed by Radioimmumo assay(RIA).Results Serum E2 and T concentrations increased from Tanner I to Ⅳ and decreased later.E2 and T concentrations had substantial genetic variation,with additive genetic factors accounting for 40% and 47% of the total phenotypic variation,respectively.The heritabilities of E2 and T in post-menarche girls were greater than those of non-menarche girls.Conclusion Serum E2 and T concentrations of pubertal girls were influenced both by the genetic and environmental factors,and genetic influence on E2 was significant after menarche occurred. ......

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