当前位置: 首页 > 期刊 > 《中华现代医院管理杂志》 > 2007年第2期
对医院推行成本控制 加强成本核算的思考
http://www.100md.com 《中华现代医院管理杂志》 2007年第2期
     Thinking of practising cost controlling and accelerating cost accounting in hospital

    Shuijuan Ye

    AbstractTo define the unit of business accounting responsibility and the target cost,and to control and calculate the cost and some items,we should pay attention to expound this thesis.As we know,hospitals should carry out the cost controlling all round and accelerate the cost accounting in this new period to change the phenomenon of that it’s difficult and expensive to see doctor.

    Key wordshospital reformation;cost controlling;cost accounting

    The Central Hospital of Lishui,Lishui 323000,China

    Correspondence to:Shuijuan Ye,chinafangwj@sina.com

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