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There was a famous general named Ma Wu in Han Dynasty. There had been a drought in summer one year and no crops could survive. It happened that Ma Wu's army was defeated and had to retreat to the wilds. Food supplies were few and it was even difficult to find wellspring. Many soldiers and war-horses died of hunger and thirst. Most of the survivors suffered from bladder damp-heat bloody urine. Ma Wu's hostler took care of three horses and one carriage. Seeing that the horses were suffered from bloody urine, he was burning with impatience but could do nothing. One day, the hostler found there was no blood in the urine of the three horses. He was very curious at that and said to himself, "What on earth have they had these days?" So, he searched around the carriage again and again and suddenly found a kind of weed of which the leaves were like the ear of a pig. The horses had been having this kind of weed all these days. "Is it possible that this kind of weed cured the horses of their illness?" So he pulled up a lot of this kind of weed and decocted them. After taking the decoction for several days, he found his urine was normal as expected. The hostler ran to report it to the general immediately. Ma Wu was very delighted and ordered his soldiers pull up the weed and take the decoction as well as feed the horses. Several days later, all the soldiers and horses were cured. Ma Wu asked the hostler, "Where do the weeds grow?" The hostler showed the general around the tent and pointed to the carriage and said, "They are just in front of the carriage." "Ha-ha," Ma Wu laughed heartily and said, "what a che-qian-cao!" Since then, the name che-qian-cao (weed in front of the carriage), i.e., plantago was spread. However, some people also called it "pig-ear weed". 1.汉朝有一位名将,叫马武。 2.有一年六月,天旱无雨,田野光秃秃的,什么庄稼也活不了。可巧,马武打了败仗,他的人马一下子溃退到不见人烟的荒野。 3.士兵们找不到粮食,连喝水也十分因难。人和战马饿死、渴死了许多;剩下的人马,也因为缺水,大多得了膀胱“湿热症”,一个个小肚子发胀,不光人尿血,甚至连马也尿血。 4.马武将军有个马夫,分管三匹马、一辆车,整天跟车马打交道。这时,他和那三匹马全得了“尿血症”,马夫心急似火,可又毫无办法治。 5.一天,马夫忽然发现三匹马不尿血了,也显得精神多了,马夫很奇怪:“它们这是吃了什么呀?”他围着马转来转去,看看想想,想想看看,忽然发现停放大车的附近地面上,长着一种猪耳形的野草,几天来,三匹马一直在吃着这种东西。 6.马夫的心猛一动:大概这种草能治“尿血症”吧。于是,他拔了许多猪耳形的野草,煎汤吃了,一连吃了几天,小便果然也正常起来。 7.马夫急忙跑到将军帐内,把这事禀告马武。 8.马武闻听大喜,传令全营拔草煎水,供人喝、给马饮。几天过后,全营人马的“尿血症”都治好了。 9.马武问马夫:“治病的猪耳草长在什么地方啊?” 马夫领着将军走到帐外,指给他看:“大车前边的就是。” 马武哈哈大笑。说:“好个车前草。” 10.从这儿起,车前草的名字就传开了;不过,也有人还叫它“猪耳草”。 | ||||||||||||||