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http://www.100md.com 《中国医学杂志》 1998年第10期
     作者:叶铁虎 郭向阳 桑诺尔 罗爱伦 樊宏

    单位:100730 中国医学科学院中国协和医科大学北京协和医院麻醉科


    中华医学杂志/981016 【摘要】 目的 比较地氟醚、七氟醚、异氟醚、安氟醚在平衡麻醉中的药代动力学特征。方法 选择妇科手术患者40例,随机分为地氟醚(D)组,七氟醚(S)组,异氟醚(I)组及安氟醚(E)组,每组10例。麻醉诱导、气管插管后,各组均先给予等效的设定浓度,即D组6%、S组2%、Ⅰ组1.2%、E组1.7%。同时吸入1∶2的O2和N2O,经静脉持续输入芬太尼和间断追加肌肉松弛药泮库溴铵维持麻醉。术中连续监测吸入麻醉药的肺泡浓度及吸入浓度,并维持肺泡浓度衡定在1 mol/L AC,即D组3%,S组0.7%,Ⅰ组0.5%,E组0.6%。结果 吸入麻醉后,肺泡浓度∶吸入浓度=1/2及肺泡浓度达到1 mol/L AC值时间在D组及S组均明显快于Ⅰ组及E组。肺泡浓度∶吸入浓度及肺泡浓度∶设定浓度比值的升高速度在D组和S组均明显快于Ⅰ组和E组。终止麻醉后,D组肺泡浓度达到肺泡原始浓度50%的时间明显快于其它吸入麻醉药。结论 地氟醚吸入及呼出均较快,易于调控麻醉深度。
, 百拇医药
    The pharmacokinetic study of desflurane, sevoflurane, isoflurane and enflurane in general anesthesia

    Yie Tiehu, Guo Xiangyang, Sang Nuoer, et al. Department of Anesthesia, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, CAMS & PUMC, Beijing 100730

    【Abstract】 Objective To compare pharmacokinetics of desflurane, sevoflurane, isoflurane and enflurane in general anesthesia. Methods 40 patients scheduled for abdominal hysterectomy under general anesthesia were randomly divided into desflurane(D),sevoflurane(S), isofluane(I) and enflurane(E) groups. After induction of anesthesia and endotracheal intubation, desired fraction (Fd) of desflurane(6%), sevoflurane(2%), isoflurane(1.15%) and enflurane(1.7%) in oxygen and nitrous oxide(1:2) were inhaled in D,S,I and E groups, respectively. The fractional end tidal alveolar concentration (Fa) was adjusted to 1MAC during the maintenance of anesthsia. Fa and the fractional inspired concentration of inhaled anesthetics (Fi) were monitored continuously. During operation, fentanyl was infused continuously and pancuronium was injected intermittently. Results After the beginning of inhalational anesthesia, the time required for Fa/Fi=1:2 and Fa=1MAC in D and S groups was significantly shorter than that in E and I groups. The rates of Fa/Fi in D and S groups were significantly higher than those in E and I groups during the maintenance of anesthesia, so were those of Fa/Fd. After cessation of inhalational anesthesia, the time required for Fa equaled to 50% of Fa0(the last Fa during stoping administration of the inhalational anesthesia) in D group was significantly faster than that in the other three groups. Conclusions The rates of desflurane wash-in and wash-out are faster than those of other inhaled anesthetics. The depth of anesthesia is easy to control when desflurane is used in general anesthesia.
, 百拇医药
    【Key words】 Desflurane Sevoflurane Isoflurane Enflurane Pharmacokinetics

    (Natl Med J China, 1998, 78:768-770)




, 百拇医药

    1.麻醉方法:术前30分钟肌注阿托品0.5 mg,哌替啶50 mg,入手术室后经静脉给予氟哌啶1 mg,芬太尼2 μg/kg,泮库溴铵1 mg,5分钟后,给予异丙酚2 mg/kg加琥珀胆碱1.5 mg/kg,快速诱导行气管插管。所有病人均吸入氧气∶氧化亚氮(1∶2),流量为3L/min,30分钟后减为1.5L/min。各组均先给予等效设定浓度,即D组6%、S组2%、Ⅰ组1.15%、E组1.7%。同时静脉持续输入芬太尼2 μg*kg-1*h-1,半小时后速度减半。间断给予泮库溴铵维持肌肉松弛。手术中调整并维持吸入麻醉药的肺泡浓度在1个最低有效浓度(MAC)(与N2O合用时D组为3%,S组为0.7%,Ⅰ组为0.5%,E组为0.6%)。控制ETCO2在4.7~6.0 kpa。体温维持在35~37.5 ℃。麻醉结束时给予新斯的明2 mg,阿托品1 mg拮抗残余肌松药作用,并使通气流量恢复为3 L/min,待麻醉药自然洗出恢复。
, 百拇医药




, 百拇医药



    图1 开始吸入麻醉后各组Fa/Fi变化趋势
, 百拇医药
    图2 开始吸入麻醉后各组Fa/Fd变化趋势

    图3 停止吸入麻醉后各组Fa:Fao变化趋势



, 百拇医药


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    3 Smiley RM, Ornstein E, Matteo RS, et al. Desfurane and isoflurane in surgical patients: comparison of emergence time. Anesthesiology, 1991, 74:425-427.
, http://www.100md.com
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