眼视光学杂志9902xx 由加拿大Dr. Desmomd Fonn,Fr. Renee Du Toit 和澳大利亚的Dr. Sylvie Sulaiman、Dr. Michelle Huang所组成的ICEE教学小组于6月2日到达温州。在温州医学院眼视光学院,他们开展了为期两天的教学课程,主要教学内容为:临床验光技能、眼镜学的发展、老视的特殊验配等。由于参加此次听课的大部分为该院眼视光学系年轻教师,因此教学过程中所展示的教学方法和教学技能将对今后的视光教学起指导作用。该教学小组携带整个课程所需的教材、幻灯和电脑教学系统,因此课程安排更加生动活泼。该教学课程为ICEE培训计划的一部分,作为尝试,他们率先在温医开始。在温期间,他们还为眼视光学系的低年级学生举办了一场生动而有趣的视光学概况的讲座,受到学生欢迎。
ICEE Teaching group at Wenzhou Medical College
Dr.Desmond Fonn and Dr.Renee Du Toit from Canada and Dr.Sylvie Sulaiman and Dr.Michelle Huang from Australia came to China and delivered Optometry training course on June 3~4 at Wenzhou Medical College. This teaching course is around optometry clinical techniques,and focus on presbyopia and progressive lens. Because all the attendees are the young faculty at W.M.C.,this course spent more time on demonstration of teaching methodology and proficiency of workshop of optometry educators. The teaching team are fully prepared the course with diversity of teaching resource,making the class very enthusiasm and the training more productive. This course is part of ICEE,and this is the first time in China.,
眼视光学杂志9902xx 由加拿大Dr. Desmomd Fonn,Fr. Renee Du Toit 和澳大利亚的Dr. Sylvie Sulaiman、Dr. Michelle Huang所组成的ICEE教学小组于6月2日到达温州。在温州医学院眼视光学院,他们开展了为期两天的教学课程,主要教学内容为:临床验光技能、眼镜学的发展、老视的特殊验配等。由于参加此次听课的大部分为该院眼视光学系年轻教师,因此教学过程中所展示的教学方法和教学技能将对今后的视光教学起指导作用。该教学小组携带整个课程所需的教材、幻灯和电脑教学系统,因此课程安排更加生动活泼。该教学课程为ICEE培训计划的一部分,作为尝试,他们率先在温医开始。在温期间,他们还为眼视光学系的低年级学生举办了一场生动而有趣的视光学概况的讲座,受到学生欢迎。
ICEE Teaching group at Wenzhou Medical College
Dr.Desmond Fonn and Dr.Renee Du Toit from Canada and Dr.Sylvie Sulaiman and Dr.Michelle Huang from Australia came to China and delivered Optometry training course on June 3~4 at Wenzhou Medical College. This teaching course is around optometry clinical techniques,and focus on presbyopia and progressive lens. Because all the attendees are the young faculty at W.M.C.,this course spent more time on demonstration of teaching methodology and proficiency of workshop of optometry educators. The teaching team are fully prepared the course with diversity of teaching resource,making the class very enthusiasm and the training more productive. This course is part of ICEE,and this is the first time in China.,