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http://www.100md.com 《中国药物化学杂志》 1999年第3期
     作者:延玺 武延隽 朱守荣 林华宽 朱志昂 陈荣悌



    中国药物化学杂志 CHINESE JOURNAL OF MEDICNAL CHEMISTRY 1999年 第9卷 第3期 VolStudies on Antibacterial Activity of

    Macrocyclic-cobalt-imidazole Complex

    Yan Xi,Wu Yanjun,Zhu Shourong,Lin Huakuan,Zhu Zhi′ang,Chen Rongti

    (Department of Chemistry,Nankai University,Tianjin 300071)
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    Abstract Studies on the antibacterial activity of the product that cobalt(Ⅲ)complexes of 5,7,7,12,14,14-hexamethyl-1,4,8,11-tetra-azacyc lotetradeca-4,11-diene reacted with imidazole and metronidazolum were describe d.We found that the macrocyclic-cobalt complex could react with imidazole,metronida zol um and formalized a new axial complex.Thermodynamic equilibrium constant of the reaction K and the thermodynamic parameter of the reaction 219-0.gif (219 bytes),219-00.gif (196 bytes) were calculated by the spectroscop y method.The new macrocyclic-coba lt-imidazole complex could restrain growth of penicillin-resistant Staphylococcus-aureus.
, 百拇医药
    Key words macrocyclic-complex;imidazole;Staphylococcus-au reus


, 百拇医药
    方法:采用分光光度法〔2,3〕求出了大环钴配合物与咪唑及甲硝唑轴向配位反应过程中的轴向配位数(n),及不同温度下的平衡常数K,根据Van′tHoff方程:218-1.gif (538 bytes)218-2.gif (227 bytes),求出了反应体系的热力学函数218-3.gif (438 bytes),实验结果见表1.

    Tab.1 Thermodynamic parameter of the reaction of macrocyclic complex
, 百拇医药
    of cobalt on imidazole and metronidazolum



    K×103218-4.gif (276 bytes)218-5.gif (331 bytes)



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    体外抗菌实验:选用白色念珠菌、大肠杆菌、绿脓杆菌、对青霉素敏感的金黄色葡萄球菌和对青霉素不敏感的金黄色葡萄球菌5种菌.溶剂选用生理盐水,培养基选用营养琼脂.实验结果见表2和表3.在表2和表3中,“+”表示菌株可以继续生长,“-”表示菌株不能继续生长.表头中的数字表示实验物质的浓度:mg/mL.Tab.2 Antibacteria results of macrocyclic complex of cobalt
, 百拇医药
    before reaction on imidazole and metronidazolum


    Macrocyclic-cobalt complex








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    Candida albicans










, http://www.100md.com     Bacillus coli










    Bacillus pyocyaneus


, 百拇医药












, 百拇医药












, 百拇医药



    Tab.3 Antibacteria results of macrocyclic complex of cobalt

    after reaction on imidazole and metronidazolum


    Macrocyclic-cobalt complex+


    Macrocyclic-cobalt complex+

, http://www.100md.com     metronidazolum







    Candida albicans





, 百拇医药

    Bacillus coli







    Bacillus pyocyaneus




, 百拇医药











, 百拇医药







    1国家自然科学基金、天津市自然科学基金资助项目 No.29771020

    延玺:通讯联系人 现址:沈阳药科大学34信箱,沈阳110015;
, 百拇医药


    1 Sadasivan N,Endicott JF.The synthesis and chemistry of a novel macroc yclic Schiff base dihydrogen perchorate by codensation of Fe(en)2+3 with acetone.J Am Chem Soc,1966,88(23):5468~5472

    2 张祥麟,康衡.配位化学.长沙:中南工业大学出版社,1986.234~242

    3 朱志昂,延玺,张智慧,等.钴卟啉与咪唑类配体配位反应热力学、动力学.物理化学学报,1996,12(4):372~375

    收稿日期:1999-04-20, http://www.100md.com