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http://www.100md.com 《中国病毒学》 1999年第3期
     作者:谢 薇 谢天恩

    单位:中国科学院武汉病毒研究所,武汉 430071


    中国病毒学/990315Electron Microscopic Observation on the Arrangement Patterns

    of Nucleocapsids within the Envelopes of Autographa

    californica Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus

    Xie Wei Xie Tianen

    (Wuhan Institute of Virology, Academia Sinica, Wuhan 430071)
, 百拇医药
    Abstract The arrangement patterns of nucleocapsids within the envelope of Autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus were studied by electron microscopy. Numbers of nucleocapsids observed in an envelope in their cross sections ranged from 1 to 17, and the frequencies at 2,3,4,5,6 and 7 nucleocapsids were significantly higher than the others, suggesting that these numbers of nucleocapsids were more commonly involved in an envelope. The regular arrangement patterns of nucleocapsids within envelope were observed in cross sections. Envelope outlines can be classified into a triangle (3 nucleocapsids in an envelope),lozenge and square (4 nucleocapsids in an envelope), trapeziun (5 nucleocapsids in an envelope), pentagons (5 or 8 nucleocapsids in an envelope) and hexagons (7 or 10 nucleocapsids in an envelope). The irregular arrangement patterns of nucleocapsids within envelopes were also observed in cross sections.
, 百拇医药
    Key words Autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus, Viral envelope, Arrangement patterns of nucleocapsids, Electron microscopic observation

, 百拇医药
    1 材料与方法

    1.1 病毒 苜蓿丫纹夜蛾核型多角体病毒(AcMNPV),引自美国农业部生物防治研究室,是一种多核衣壳包埋型毒株。接种时使用浓度为5.3×107 PIB/mL。

    1.2 供试昆虫 甜菜夜蛾3龄期健康幼虫,人工饲料饲养,感染时将多角体悬液,均匀涂布于人工饲料表面,添食感染。温度26~28 ℃。

    1.3 电镜观察 将呈典型症状病死虫捣碎,过滤,离心提取多角体,多角体经包埋后,超薄切片在透射电镜下观察,电镜型号为日立H-7000HA。

    2 结果

    2.1 多角体与病毒束

    多角体经超薄切片,在高分辨率的电子显微镜下观察,多角体外被覆一层硬化了的蛋白质膜,称多角体膜。多角体膜内充填着多角体蛋白基质,蛋白基质的晶格呈点阵型和线型排列,病毒束包埋于晶格蛋白基质中。病毒束内包含的核衣壳数目不等,核衣壳呈杆状,直径为30~80 mμ,长度为275~300 mμ。包埋于晶格蛋白基质中的病毒束,有些呈现出横切面,另一些为纵切面,病毒囊膜清晰可见(图1)。包埋于多角体蛋白基质中的病毒束是随机分布的,但病毒束内的核衣壳却有规律地排列。
, 百拇医药
    图1 苜蓿丫纹夜蛾核型多角体的切片,许多病毒束被包埋于多角体蛋白基质中 (×120 000)

    Fig.1 Section of a polyhedron of Autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus showing virus bundles embedded in the polyhedron protein matris (×120 000)

    2.2 病毒囊膜内核衣壳的有规则排列图式

, 百拇医药
    图2 病毒囊膜内核衣壳呈有规律排列图式的电镜观察 (×60 000)

    Fig.2 Electron micrographs showing regular arrangement patterns of nucleocapsids within the envelopes (×60 000)

    2.3 病毒囊膜中核衣壳的不规律排列图式

, 百拇医药
    图3 病毒囊膜内核衣壳呈不规律排列图式的电镜观察(1,×40 000;2-4,×60 000)

    Fig.3 Electron micrographs showing irregular arrangement patterns of nucleocapsids within the envelopes (1,×40 000; 2-4,×60 000)

    2.4 病毒束内核衣壳数出现频率分布状态


    表1 含不同核衣壳数病毒束出现的频率(%)

    Table 1 Frequency presentation of nucleocapsid numbers in virus bundles(%) 病毒束内的核衣壳数
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    Nucleocapsid numbers

    in virus bundles











, 百拇医药

    Statistics of virus bundles











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    Frequency presentation

    of virus bundles









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    致 谢 本所电镜室袁爱华、邓红同志协助超薄切片和电镜拍照,特致谢忱。本所电镜室袁爱华、邓红同志协助超薄切片和电镜拍照,特致谢忱。
, http://www.100md.com

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    2 Murphy F A, Fauguet C M, Bishop D H L et al. Classification and nomenclature of viruses. Sixth Report of the International Committee on Taxonomy of viruses. New York: Springer-Verlay Wien. 1995.104~113

    3 Hunter D K, Hoffman D F, Collier S J. Cross-infection of a nuclear polyhedrosis virus of the Almond moth to the lndian meal moth. J Invertebr Pathol, 1973, 22:186~192
, 百拇医药
    4 Fraser M J, Ultrastrural observations of virion maturation in Autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus infected Spodoptera frugiperda cell cultures. J Ultrastruct Mol Struct Res, 1986,95:189~195

    5 Kawamoto F, Asayama T. Studies on the arrangement patterns of nucleocapsids within the envelopes of nuclear polyhedrosis virus in the fat-body cells of the Brown tail moth, Euproctis similis. J Invertebr Pathol, 1975,26:47~55, 百拇医药