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http://www.100md.com 《眼视光学杂志》 1999年第3期



    眼视光学杂志/990330 由诺华视康公司设立和出资的“中国眼科视光教育计划”(简称COEP)将于今年11月18日至23日在温州医学院举行培训课程。参加本次课程的主要为温州医学院眼视光学专业毕业并一直从事该专业工作的眼视光学医师或研究人员。该培训课程将作精心策划和设计,主题:1、视光学理论和技能;2、隐形眼镜新进展;3、眼科新药;4、低视力、近视、视觉功能等。该计划将邀请国内外知名眼视光学专家担任教学工作,同时该课程还设置实习操作等内容。

    COEP will go to Wenzhou

    The COEP training program which is sponsored and organized by Ciba vision is planing to host a training course in Wenzhou during Nov 18~23.Most of the attendees will be the optometry graduates of W.M.C. who are currently in the optometry area.The training course is specially designed and is aimed at:1.Optometry theory and methord;2.Contact lens;3.Latest knowledge of eye drugs;4.Low vision,myopia and vision function.The speakers will be the optometry experts home and aboard., 百拇医药