眼视光学杂志/990329 6月18日,美国强生视力保健有限公司在北京凯宾斯基酒店召开中国医师顾问团会议,会议同时邀请强生公司访美学者参加。来自美国的强生总裁首先回顾了近一年左右美国强生全球发展情况,了解中国医师对抛弃型隐形眼镜的临床反馈,并衷心感谢中国医师在以往工作中的大力支持。顾问团医师赞赏强生在中国推广“抛弃型概念”的努力和作用,特别感谢强生公司在以往对中国隐形眼镜教育培训作出的贡献。会议期间强生公司特邀正在北京访问的伯克莱加州大学视光学专家Dr.David.Kirschen作有关双光隐形眼镜的学术讲座,并现场演示双光隐形眼镜的验配。
Johnson and Johnson hosted a Advisory panel meeting
On June 18,Johnson & Johnson hosted a Advisory panel meeting at Kapinaiki Hotel in Beijing,both J&J chinese advisory panel members and J&J visiting scholars were present at the meeting.J&J company Chairman from US reviewed the global situation of contact lens market and reviewed the feedback from the Chinese doctor about the disposable contact lens.He also thanked to everyone present for their contribution.Chinese doctors highly valued the important concept of disposability that J&J makes great effects to popularize.And the attendees are very appreciative to J&J for their contribution to contact lens training program for practitioners in China.During the meeting,Dr.David Kirschen,an optometry professor of Berkeley University,gave a presentation about bifocal contact lens and did an interesting demonstration., http://www.100md.com
眼视光学杂志/990329 6月18日,美国强生视力保健有限公司在北京凯宾斯基酒店召开中国医师顾问团会议,会议同时邀请强生公司访美学者参加。来自美国的强生总裁首先回顾了近一年左右美国强生全球发展情况,了解中国医师对抛弃型隐形眼镜的临床反馈,并衷心感谢中国医师在以往工作中的大力支持。顾问团医师赞赏强生在中国推广“抛弃型概念”的努力和作用,特别感谢强生公司在以往对中国隐形眼镜教育培训作出的贡献。会议期间强生公司特邀正在北京访问的伯克莱加州大学视光学专家Dr.David.Kirschen作有关双光隐形眼镜的学术讲座,并现场演示双光隐形眼镜的验配。
Johnson and Johnson hosted a Advisory panel meeting
On June 18,Johnson & Johnson hosted a Advisory panel meeting at Kapinaiki Hotel in Beijing,both J&J chinese advisory panel members and J&J visiting scholars were present at the meeting.J&J company Chairman from US reviewed the global situation of contact lens market and reviewed the feedback from the Chinese doctor about the disposable contact lens.He also thanked to everyone present for their contribution.Chinese doctors highly valued the important concept of disposability that J&J makes great effects to popularize.And the attendees are very appreciative to J&J for their contribution to contact lens training program for practitioners in China.During the meeting,Dr.David Kirschen,an optometry professor of Berkeley University,gave a presentation about bifocal contact lens and did an interesting demonstration., http://www.100md.com