作者:皋岚湘 丁华野
单位:北京军区总医院病理科 100700
诊断病理学杂志000125分类号:R730.21 文献标识码:A
文章编号:1007-8096(2000)01-0061-03 硬化性小圆细胞肿瘤(desmoplasticsmallroundcelltumor,DSRCT)是近年才被确认的一种少见的恶性肿瘤。此肿瘤由Gerald和Rosai于1989年首先报道[1,2],其特点为沿浆膜侵袭和播散性生长,由呈巢性小细胞和硬化性间质构成的组织结构,以及免疫组化有特殊的上皮、间叶和神经性标记物的复合表达。最初文献报道的名称不同[1],包括:伴有异向分化的硬化性小细胞瘤、腹腔内硬化性小圆细胞瘤、表达间叶型中间丝的腹膜恶性小细胞上皮性肿瘤、伴异向分化的腹膜硬化性小圆细胞瘤、伴有异向分化的儿童腹腔神经外胚瘤和伴多向分化的硬化性小细胞瘤等。尽管DSRCT发生得较少,文献报道仅几百例,但近2~3年来对它的研究却相当深入和广泛[1~11],从临床与治疗、病理组织学形态、超微结构到基因及免疫表型等,在各个方面都得到了很好的认识。现已证实此肿瘤具有独特的临床、组织、免疫组织化学和细胞基因特征。
, http://www.100md.com
, 百拇医药
[1]Ordonez NG. Desmoplastic small round cell tumor Ⅰ:A histopathologic study of 39 casese with emphasis of unusual histological patterns. Am J Surg Pathol, 1998,22:1303-1313
[2]Leuschner L, Radig K and Harms D. Desmoplastic small round cell tumor.Semin Diagn Pathol,1996,13:204-212
[3]Furman J,Murky WM,Wajsman Z,et al.Urogenital involvement by desmoplastic small round-cell tumor.J Urol,1997,158:1506-1509
, 百拇医药
[4]Ordnez NG.Desmoplastic small round cell tumor Ⅱ: An ultrastmctural and immunohistochemical study with emphasis on new immmohistoche-mical matkers.Am Surg Pathol,1998,22:1314-1327
[5]Cummings OW,Ulbright TM,Young RH,et al. Desmoplastic small round cell tumor of the patatesticular region: A Repor of six cases.Am J Surg Pathol,1997,21:219-225
[6]Dorsey BV,Benjamin LE,Rauscher F 3rd,et al.Intra-abdominal desmo-plastic small round-cell tumor:expansion of the pathalogic profile.Mod Pathol,1996,9:703-709
, 百拇医药
[7]Gerald WL.Kadanyi M,de Akava E,et al.Clinical,pathologic,and molec-ular spectum of tumors associted with t(11;22)(p13;q12):desmoplastic small round-cell tumor and its variants.J Clin Oncol,1998,16:3028-3036
[8]Kim J,Lee K,Pelletier J.The deamaplastic small round cell tumor t(11;22) translocation produces EWS/WT1 isoforms with differing oncogenic propertes. Oncogene,1998,16:1973-1979
[9]Kata RL,Quezado M, Senderowicz AM, et al.An intra-abdominal small round cell neoplasm with features of primitive neuroectodermal and desmo-plastic round cell tumor and a EWS/FLI-1fusion transcript.Hum Pathol,1997,28:502-508
, 百拇医药
[10]Charles AK,Moore Ied Berry PJ.Immundohistochemical detection of the wilms’ tumor gene WT1 in desmoplastic small round cell tumour.Histopathology,1997,30:312-314
[11]Farhat F,Culine S,Lhoo G,et al.Desmoplastic small round cell tumour:results of a four-drug chemotherapy regimen in five adult. Cancer,1996,77:1363-1366
收稿日期:1999-11-19, 百拇医药
单位:北京军区总医院病理科 100700
诊断病理学杂志000125分类号:R730.21 文献标识码:A
文章编号:1007-8096(2000)01-0061-03 硬化性小圆细胞肿瘤(desmoplasticsmallroundcelltumor,DSRCT)是近年才被确认的一种少见的恶性肿瘤。此肿瘤由Gerald和Rosai于1989年首先报道[1,2],其特点为沿浆膜侵袭和播散性生长,由呈巢性小细胞和硬化性间质构成的组织结构,以及免疫组化有特殊的上皮、间叶和神经性标记物的复合表达。最初文献报道的名称不同[1],包括:伴有异向分化的硬化性小细胞瘤、腹腔内硬化性小圆细胞瘤、表达间叶型中间丝的腹膜恶性小细胞上皮性肿瘤、伴异向分化的腹膜硬化性小圆细胞瘤、伴有异向分化的儿童腹腔神经外胚瘤和伴多向分化的硬化性小细胞瘤等。尽管DSRCT发生得较少,文献报道仅几百例,但近2~3年来对它的研究却相当深入和广泛[1~11],从临床与治疗、病理组织学形态、超微结构到基因及免疫表型等,在各个方面都得到了很好的认识。现已证实此肿瘤具有独特的临床、组织、免疫组织化学和细胞基因特征。
, http://www.100md.com
, 百拇医药
[1]Ordonez NG. Desmoplastic small round cell tumor Ⅰ:A histopathologic study of 39 casese with emphasis of unusual histological patterns. Am J Surg Pathol, 1998,22:1303-1313
[2]Leuschner L, Radig K and Harms D. Desmoplastic small round cell tumor.Semin Diagn Pathol,1996,13:204-212
[3]Furman J,Murky WM,Wajsman Z,et al.Urogenital involvement by desmoplastic small round-cell tumor.J Urol,1997,158:1506-1509
, 百拇医药
[4]Ordnez NG.Desmoplastic small round cell tumor Ⅱ: An ultrastmctural and immunohistochemical study with emphasis on new immmohistoche-mical matkers.Am Surg Pathol,1998,22:1314-1327
[5]Cummings OW,Ulbright TM,Young RH,et al. Desmoplastic small round cell tumor of the patatesticular region: A Repor of six cases.Am J Surg Pathol,1997,21:219-225
[6]Dorsey BV,Benjamin LE,Rauscher F 3rd,et al.Intra-abdominal desmo-plastic small round-cell tumor:expansion of the pathalogic profile.Mod Pathol,1996,9:703-709
, 百拇医药
[7]Gerald WL.Kadanyi M,de Akava E,et al.Clinical,pathologic,and molec-ular spectum of tumors associted with t(11;22)(p13;q12):desmoplastic small round-cell tumor and its variants.J Clin Oncol,1998,16:3028-3036
[8]Kim J,Lee K,Pelletier J.The deamaplastic small round cell tumor t(11;22) translocation produces EWS/WT1 isoforms with differing oncogenic propertes. Oncogene,1998,16:1973-1979
[9]Kata RL,Quezado M, Senderowicz AM, et al.An intra-abdominal small round cell neoplasm with features of primitive neuroectodermal and desmo-plastic round cell tumor and a EWS/FLI-1fusion transcript.Hum Pathol,1997,28:502-508
, 百拇医药
[10]Charles AK,Moore Ied Berry PJ.Immundohistochemical detection of the wilms’ tumor gene WT1 in desmoplastic small round cell tumour.Histopathology,1997,30:312-314
[11]Farhat F,Culine S,Lhoo G,et al.Desmoplastic small round cell tumour:results of a four-drug chemotherapy regimen in five adult. Cancer,1996,77:1363-1366
收稿日期:1999-11-19, 百拇医药