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http://www.100md.com 《贵阳医学院学报》 2000年第1期
     作者:王琳 梁文妹

    单位:王琳(贵阳医学院组织学胚胎学教研室 贵阳 550004);梁文妹(贵阳医学院组织学胚胎学教研室 贵阳 550004)


    贵阳医学院学报000105 摘要 用银染法及免疫组织化学PAP法,对狗、家兔、豚鼠、大鼠、小鼠气管粘膜上皮内嗜银细胞和5-羟色胺(5-HT)免疫反应(immunoreaction IR)细胞的分布及形态进行观察。结果显示:5种动物气管上皮中均可见散在的嗜银细胞,家兔气管内嗜银细胞密度较大,而狗、大鼠的较少。5-HT-IR细胞仅见家兔、豚鼠、小鼠的气管粘膜上皮。气管中的内分泌细胞可分为开放型和闭合型,并可见旁突伸至邻近细胞。相邻切片观察未见气管的内分泌细胞中有嗜银颗粒与5-HT共存的现象。

    中国图书馆分类法分类号 Q952.4
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    Localization of Argyrophil Cells and 5-HT Immunoreactive Cells in the Trachea of Several Animals

    Wang Lin, Liang Wenmei

    Department of Histology and Embryology, Guiyang Medical College

    The distribution and morphology of argyrophil cells and 5-HT immunoreactive cells in the trachea of dog,rabbit,guinea pig,rat and mouse were studied with double silver staining method and immunohistochemical PAP method.The results showed that the argyrophil cells appeared scattering in the tracheal epthelium of five kinds of animals. The density of argyrophil cells in the tracheal was high in the rabbit and low in the dog and rat. The 5-HT immunoreactive cells were found in the tracheal epithelium of rabbit,guinea pig and mouse. The open or close type endocrine cells could be distinguished and the cells processes could be seen extending to adjacent cells. As compared with adjacent sections, the co-localization of 5-HT and argyrophil particle in the same cells was not found. The significance about the results as above was discussed in this paper.
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    Key words: trachea; enterochromaffin cell; 5-HT immunoreactive cell


    1 材料和方法

    1.1 取材及切片制作 取正常成年实验动物狗、家兔、豚鼠、大鼠、小鼠气管组织各5例,改良Bouin液固定20~24 h。标本常规脱水、透明,石蜡包埋,制成6μm的连续切片,每例每种染色观察3张以上切片。
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    1.2 染色 取相邻的气管切片后,按双重银染改良法[6]和Sternberger[7]免疫组织化学PAP法分别显示嗜银细胞和5-HT-IR细胞。免疫组化的主要染色步骤为:甲醇-H2O2室温30 min;正常羊血清(1∶50)室温30 min;免5-HT抗血清(工作浓度1∶6 000,第四军医大学提供)4 ℃过夜;羊抗免IgG(1∶50)37 ℃45 min;PAP复合物(1∶100)37 ℃45 min;DAB-H2O2液显色,苏木精复染胞核。方法对照用PBS代替第一抗体进行孵育。

    2 结果

    2.1 嗜银细胞 5种动物气管粘膜上皮中均可见嗜银细胞,多为单个分散在上皮细胞之间,胞浆内充满棕黑色嗜银颗粒。细胞形态多样,有锥形、梭形、卵圆形、圆形等(图1,2)。细胞多位于近基膜处,也有一些夹于相邻细胞之间,细胞顶端很少达腔面,多为闭合型;偶见有细小突起伸至腔面,为开放型;也可见旁突伸至邻近细胞(图3)。气管内嗜银细胞的密度在不同动物稍有差异,家兔气管上皮内嗜银细胞较多,而狗和大鼠中则较少,豚鼠和小鼠气管内嗜银细胞的密度介于以上两者之间。
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    图1 兔气管 Fig.1 The trachea of rabbit(↑)示锥形嗜银细胞。双重银染改良法×268;

    图2 豚鼠气管 Fig.2 The trachea of guinea pig(↑)示卵圆形、梭形嗜银细胞。双重银染改良法×134;

    图3 豚鼠气管 Fig.3 The trachea of guinea pig(↑)示有突起的嗜银细胞。双重银染改良法×134;

    2.2 5-HT-IR细胞 用PAP法显示的5-HT-IR细胞背景清晰,胞质内含棕色或棕黄色颗粒,对照切片均为阴性。狗和大鼠气管上皮内未见到5-HT-IR细胞。家兔、豚鼠及小鼠气管内5-HT-IR细胞均较少,呈单个分散在上皮细胞之间,细胞为柱状、梭形、锥形等。柱状细胞的顶端达腔面,为开放型细胞(图5),梭形、锥形细胞顶端一般不达腔面,为闭合型细胞(图4,6)。5-HT-IR细胞的密度,家兔大于豚鼠和小鼠。
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    图4 小鼠气管 Fig.4 The trachea of mouse(↑)示梭形5-HT-IR细胞。免疫组化PAP法×268;

    图5 兔气管 Fig.5 The trachea of rabbit(↑)示达腔面的5-HT-IR细胞。免疫组化PAP法×268;

    图6 小鼠气管 Fig.6 The trachea of mouse(↑)示锥形5-HT-IR细胞。免疫组化PAP法×268

    2.3 相邻切片观察未发现嗜银颗粒和5-HT共存于气管上皮内同一细胞。

    3 讨论
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, 百拇医药
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    (1999—03—24收稿,1999—05—26修回), http://www.100md.com