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http://www.100md.com 《诊断病理学杂志》 2000年第2期
     作者:曲渊 吴波

    单位:曲渊(江苏省肿瘤医院病理科 210009);吴波(南京军区总医院病理科)


    诊断病理学杂志000217摘 要:目的评价CT引导立体定向脑活检快速病理检查在外科病理诊断中的价值。方法39例CT引导立体定向脑活检术的标本,将其快速石蜡切片与其随后的常规切片或/和手术切除标本进行对比观察。结果39例中36例(占92%)快速病理结果具有临床指导价值。其中27例肿瘤病例中,19例能明确诊断,5例有提示意义。结论CT引导立体定向脑活检快速病理检查对颅内大多数病变能作出正确诊断。靶点选择的典型性和靶点邻近部位多次取材可提高诊断阳性率。

    分类号:R361.3 文献标识码:A

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    Comparative Analyses of the Fast and the Routine Pathological Diagnosis of CT-guided Stereotactic Brain Biopsy in 39 Cases

    Qu Yuan ,Wu Bo

    (Department of Pathology,Jiangsu Tumor Hospital,Nanjing 2l0009)

    Abstract:Objective To assess the value of CT-guided stereotactic brain biopsy(CT-SBB)with fast paraffin-embedded section in surgical pathologic practice. Methods 39 cases of CT-SBB were studied by fast paraffin-embedded sections,with comparison of further routine sections of the biopsy or/and the resected specimen. Results 36 of 39 cases were appropriate for the direction of clinical management.19 of 27 cases of the tumors were diagnosed by fast paraffin-embedded section,of 5 cases having a good correlation with the routine,sections.Conclusion Fast paraffin-embedded section plays an important role in the most cases of CT-SBB diagnosis.With careful target placement and chosen biopsy,CT-SBB can provide more information for an accurate diagnosis and clinical management.
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    Keywords:CT-guided stereotactic brain biopsy Fast paraffin-embedded section


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, 百拇医药

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    修稿日期:2000-03-01, 百拇医药