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http://www.100md.com 《中国骨伤》 2000年第6期
     作者:曾蔚林 林义忠 曾明亮

    单位:曾蔚林(漳州市中医院,福建 漳州 363000);林义忠 曾明亮(平和县医院,福建 平和)


    中国骨伤000608 摘 要:目的探讨克氏针加小夹板治疗胫骨骨折的优势和可行性及其生物力学。方法用克氏针加小夹板治疗胫骨骨折29例(共31侧)。结果随访5至24个月,所有病例均在2.5至4.5个月内达骨性愈合。结论克氏针加小夹板治疗胫骨骨折,手术创伤小,能最大限度保留骨折端血运,固定牢靠,有良好的力学优势。

    Biomechanical study on kirschner pins with small splints for the treatment of tibia fractures

    ZHANG Wei lin ,LIN Yi-zhong ,ZENG Ming-liang

    (Zhangzhou TCM Hospital(Fujian Zhangzhou,363000))

    Abstract:Objective To investigate the advantage,feasibility and bilmechanics of kirschner pins with small splints for the treatment of tibia fractures.Methods 29 cases with tibia fracture were treated with kirschner pins and small splints.Results The follow-up period ranged from 5 months to 24 months.All the cases were cured during 2.5~4.5 months.Conclusion The treatment has the advantage of less trauma,keeping the blood circulation of broken tibias and steady fixation.It also has biomechanical advantage.

    Keywords:Tibial fracture Fracture fixation Biomechanies


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    修稿日期:1998-11-04, 百拇医药