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http://www.100md.com 《中国骨伤》 2000年第6期
     作者:顾雅君 孟和 刘颖

    单位:顾雅君(河北省科学院微生物研究所,河北 保定 071051);孟和(中国中基研究院骨伤科研究所,北京);刘颖(河北省邮政技工学校,河北 石家庄)


    中国骨伤000606 摘 要:目的从生化观点探讨断端应力对骨愈合的影响。方法取1岁龄山羊6只,常规无菌操作,造成双侧胫骨横断骨折,采用“测力式骨科固定器”固定,荷载由0到500N,步度为50N,术后7周处死,取出胫骨并制备实验样品做红外光谱分析,根据不同应力区间所含有机质和羟基磷灰石之比,确定断端骨痂愈合质量。结果各样品吸收带图形一致,波峰相似,说明骨痂所含物质成份相同;但透过率有差异,波峰高低不同,反映出不同应力下骨痂质量不同。结论红外观察说明,适中的应力刺激有利于加快骨愈合,提高使命质量;物理疗法对骨愈合和修复有积极影响;实验支持适时适度功能锻炼可缩短骨重建疗程的观点。
, http://www.100md.com
    A biochemical study of the effect of load impact upon fracture healing

    GU Ya-jun ,MENG He ,LIU Ying

    (Microbiology Institute of Hebei Academy of Science(Hebei Baoding,071051))

    Abstract:Objective To study the effect of stress of broken ends upon fracture healing from a biochemical point of view.Methods Bilateral transverse fracture of the tibia models were established in 6 goats of l year old.Fixation was done using the fixator with the ergometer.The loading force ranged from 0 to 500N and the distance was 50N.The animals were sacrificed at 7 weeks and the specimens of tibia were procured for infra-red spectrum analysis.The healing quality of the broken ends was decided according to the ratio of organic material to hydroxyapatite in different stress level.Results The same appearance of absorbing band and similar wave crests were observed in different permeation ratio and different height of wave crests indicated that the quality of callus varied with the change of stress.Conclusion Appropriate stress stimulation is beneficial for enhancing fracture healing and improving healing quality.Physical therapy has active effect on fracturehealing.Functional exercise carried out in an appropriate way,is able to shorten the course of fracture healing.
, 百拇医药
    Keywords:Infra-red spectrum analysis Fracture healing Biomechanics







    修稿日期:2000-01-20, 百拇医药