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http://www.100md.com 《中华肾脏病杂志》 2000年第6期
     作者:高岩 张建涛

    单位:510120 广州市儿童医院肾内科


    中华肾脏病杂志000620 近年来一些中草药如关木通及广防己等引起的肾损害已日益受到人们重视,国外某些学者将其冠名为“中草药肾病”(Chinese herb nephropathy),这命名显然不能接受。现知这些中草药都含有马兜铃酸(aristolochic acid,AA),且肾损害与其相关,故国内有学者建议将其称为“马兜铃酸肾病”(aristolochic acid nephropathy, AAN),我们同意这一命名。


    例1 急性马兜铃酸肾病

    男,36岁,因恶心10d,浮肿4d于1999年7月2日转入我科。患者1月前因肾结石服“排石冲剂”20d(共服关木通36 g),而后出现恶心、呕吐及腹胀,门……


    [1]Vanherwegbem JL,Depierreux M,Tielemans C,et al.Rapidly progressive interstitial renal fibrosis in young women:association with slimming regimen including Chinese herbs.Lancet,1993,341: 387-391.

    [2]Vanhaelen M,Vanhaelen-Fastre R,But P,et al.Identification of aristolochic acid in Chinese herbs.Lancet,1994,343:174.

    [3]van Ypersele tie Strihou C.Chinese herbs nephropathy or the evils of nature.Am J Kidney Dis,1998,32:I-Iii.

    [4]Tanaka A,Nishida R,Maeda K,et al.Chinese herb nephropathy in Japan presents adult-onset Fanconi syndrome:could different components of aristoloehic acid cause a different type of Chinese herb nepbropathy? Clin Nephrol,2000,53:301-306.

    收稿日期:2000-10-12, http://www.100md.com