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http://www.100md.com 《中国计划免疫》 2000年第2期

    单位:郑慧贞(广东省卫生防疫站,广州 510300)


    中国计划免疫000210 摘要:广东省1988~1997年麻疹的流行病学特点是:流行强度明显减弱,年报告平均发病率为4.03/10万;流行季节仍较明显,但比过去10年推迟1个月;发病年龄变化不大,<10岁病例占88.52%;经济欠发达地区因工作难度较大,发病率明显高于经济较发达的珠江三角洲地区,珠江三角洲地区麻疹病例以流动人口为主;全省9.1%的防麻疹暴发是当前我县(市、区)报告麻疹病例占全省报告病例总数的51.80%。预省控制麻疹的主要策略。

    中图分类号:R511.1 文献标识码:A

, http://www.100md.com
    Analysis on the Epidemiological Characteristics of Measles in 1988-1997 in Guangdong Province

    ZHENG Hui-zhen

    Guangdong Provincial Epidemic Prevention Station,Guangzhou 510300, China.

    Abstract: The characteristics of measles epidemiology had changed in recent ten years in Guangdong Province. The epidemic intensity weakened, measles average incidence per year was less than 1/100000. The peak month of the disease occurrence postponed. However, there was no significant change of age distribution of measles cases, 88.52% measles cases were less than ten years old. Because of the hard work in undeveloped economic areas, the measles incidence was apparently higher there than that in the well-developed economic area-the Zhujiang River Delta, where most of the measles cases were floating people. Outbreak was the main characteristics of measles epidemic. Measles cases reported from 9.1% counties and cities of the province accounted for 51.8% of the total reported cases of Guangdong Province. The recommended stragey for controlling measles is to prevent outbreak of measles. The characteristics of measles epidemiology had changed in recent ten years in Guangdong Province. The epidemic intensity weakened, measles average incidence per year was less than 1/100000. The peak month of the disease occurrence postponed. However, there was no significant change of age distribution of measles cases, 88.52% measles cases were less than ten years old. Because of the hard work in undeveloped economic areas, the measles incidence was apparently higher there than that in the well-developed economic area-the Zhujiang River Delta, where most of the measles cases were floating people. Outbreak was the main characteristics of measles epidemic. Measles cases reported from 9.1% counties and cities of the province accounted for 51.8% of the total reported cases of Guangdong Province. The recommended stragey for controlling measles is to prevent outbreak of measles.
, 百拇医药
    Key words: Measles, Epidemiology Measles, Epidemiology




    结 果

    1 发病概况


, 百拇医药
    2 年龄分布


    3 月份分布


    表1 广东省麻疹发病月份构成比(%) 年度

    月 份





, 百拇医药     4













, 百拇医药












, 百拇医药












    4 地区分布
, http://www.100md.com
    由表2可见,1988~1997年麻疹发病率≥10/10万的县(市、区,下同)110个次,占总县次数的9.10%,但发病数占总病例数的51.80%,其中发病率>30/10万的县28次,占总县次数的2.32%,发病数占总病例数的20.49%,年发病率最高的县达145.60/10万。表2 广东省1988~1997年麻疹发病的县分布 年份








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    8 338


    13 795

    按经济状况划分,近10年经济较发达的珠江三角洲地区(广州、深圳、珠海、佛山、江门、东莞、中山)麻疹年平均发病率为2.79/10万,明显低于其它地区(4.5/10万)。据1997年麻疹疫情统计,流动人口病例占总病例数的35.18%(1 317/3 744),主要集中在珠江三角洲地区,占94.15%(1 240/1 317),珠江三角洲地区的流动人口病例占该地区病例总数的64.15%(1 240/1 933)。讨 论
, http://www.100md.com

    从近10年我省麻疹的发病情况看,流行强度明显减弱;流行季节仍较明显,但比过去10年推迟1个月;发病年龄分布变化不大,<10岁病例占88.52%,表明MV初种和复种工作均未做好〔1〕,其中5~9岁占38.60%,可见我省将MV复种提前至4岁是合理的;经济欠发达地区因工作难度较大,发病率明显高于经济较发达的珠江三角洲地区,珠江三角洲地区的麻疹病例以流动人口为主,流动人口麻疹暴发、流行的主要原因是:①流动儿童迟种、漏种;②外来青工聚集。全省9.10%的县报告麻疹病例占全省报告病例总数的51.80%,可见控制暴发可减少一半以上的病例数。暴发的主要原因是:①有免疫空白点;②报告不及时。据1997年我省麻疹病例免疫史统计,在免疫史清楚的1 481例麻疹病例中,已接种MV者占45.24%,未接种者占54.76%。已免疫儿童的发病原因有待调查研究。
, 百拇医药
    针对以上情况,预防麻疹暴发是我省当前控制麻疹的主要策略。措施应包括:①加强常规免疫。加强计划免疫管理,加强对薄弱地区、薄弱环节的检查指导,全面提高并保持高水平的免疫接种率。②适时地开展MV强化免疫。我省及国内外实践已证明,MV强化免疫可有效地减少易感人群的积累,控制麻疹流行。③加强麻疹病例的报告、调查。目前,我省的麻疹监测主要依靠全省常规传染病监测系统,该系统的灵敏性与报告及时性较差,迟报、漏报严重,1994~1997年漏报调查结果显示,麻疹漏报率分别为14.29%、15.54%、 12.20%、14.62%。因此加强麻疹病例的报告、调查,提高麻疹报告的敏感性、完整性、及时性是我省当前控制麻疹的当务之急。④增加对经济欠发达地区的投入,确保冷链系统正常运转。⑤加强流动人口的计划免疫管理。开展查漏补种、利用就诊机会接种等,使流动儿童有更多的机会及时得到免疫;加强计划免疫宣传教育,争取各级政府领导的重视,有关部门的配合与协作,儿童家长的支持与参与。⑥注意做好外来工等特殊人群的麻疹监测和免疫。⑦开展实验室血清学诊断。由于麻疹同其它发热出疹性疾病如风疹等在临床上易混淆,因此有必要在有条件的地区对麻疹实行血清学诊断。





    修回日期:1999-06-14, 百拇医药