作者:王瑞安 小路武彦** 郑平菊* 张远强 中根一穗**
单位:第四军医大学组织学胚胎学教研室,*西京医院肿瘤科,西安 710032;**日本长崎大学医学部第三解剖
解剖学报/980419 摘 要 为了观察小鼠睾丸生后发育过程中生殖细胞自发死亡的方式与规律。用生后0、1、4、7、10、13、18和50d A/J系小鼠,一侧睾丸用2.5%戊二醛,另一侧睾丸用4%多聚甲醛固定18h后,分别用树脂或石蜡包埋,制备超薄和连续石蜡切片,进行电镜观察和TUNEL染色光镜观察。电镜观察显示,在出生当日,可见个别呈坏死特征的变性生殖细胞,核质溶解,但无染色质聚集。核周间隙扩大,线粒体和内质网等细胞器肿胀,有空泡形成。细胞膜有突起、出泡现象。生后1d,死亡细胞罕见。生后4d开始见到典型凋亡特征的生殖细胞,并于生后10~13d达到高峰。TUNEL染色见阳性细胞在生后4d开始出现,10~13d达高峰,而后逐渐减少,与电镜观察结果一致。结果表明:小鼠睾丸在发育过程中生殖细胞的自发死亡主要以凋亡的形式发生,在一定时期,则以坏死的方式出现。凋亡的发生与细胞的分裂增殖具有密切关系。
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动物胚胎及生后发育过程中常见组织细胞的退化变性[1~3]。在形体发生过程中,机体常产生比组织器官结构和功能的实际需要过多的细胞或一过性结构,如肾发生过程中的前肾与中肾。这些多余的细胞随后死亡而被清除。机体发生过程中正常发生的细胞死亡称为程序性细胞死亡(programmed cell death, PCD)[4]。在大多情况下,PCD以凋亡的形式发生[1]。细胞凋亡(apoptosis)是细胞死亡的一种方式,在形态上可见有细胞核染色质的积聚、断裂,而细胞器如线粒体和内质网等变化较小[5]。在睾丸的早期发生过程中,生殖细胞的PCD也很常见[6]。晚近一些作者对大、小鼠生殖细胞的死亡进行了研究,然而,有关生殖细胞正常发育过程中的自发死亡研究资料仍很有限。本实验用电镜观察及TUNEL (terminal deoxy-UTP nick end labeling)原位末端标记组织化学对小鼠生后发育过程中睾丸生殖细胞的死亡进行了研究。
, 百拇医药
实验用雄性A/J系小鼠,以出生当日为生后0d,分为0、1、4、7、10、13、18和50d共8个年龄组,每组3只动物,分别来自不同母鼠。所有动物均在午时断头处死,取睾丸,一侧用2.5%戊二醛-0.1 mol/L二甲砷酸钠缓冲液 (pH 7.2),另一侧睾丸用4%多聚甲醛-0.01 mol/L PBS(pH7.2)固定18 h,然后分别用Epon-812或石蜡常规包埋。石蜡包埋睾丸制成3 μm厚连续切片,裱贴于覆有氨丙基三乙氧基硅烷(3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane,美国Sigma公司)的载玻片上。
树脂包埋的睾丸组织制成半薄和超薄切片。半薄切片用甲苯胺蓝染色,超薄切片行硝酸铀和醋酸铅常规电子染色。用JEOL-1200电子显微镜在60 kV加速电压下观察。
, 百拇医药
TUNEL原位末端标记参照Gavrieli等[7]的程序略加修改。(1)切片经甲苯(toluene)和逐级酒精脱蜡入水,PBS洗5 min。(2)用3mg/L PBS蛋白酶K (Sigma产品)在37℃水浴中处理15 min,PBS洗3次,各 5min。(3)用末端脱氧核糖核苷转移酶(TdT)缓冲液(pH 6.6,含0.2 mol/L砷酸钾,0.025 mol/L Tris-HCl,0.25g/L BSA)在室温预孵育30 min,而后在37℃温箱进行标记反应1 h。标记反应液含:TdT缓冲液、0.1 mmol/L DTT(二巯基苏糖醇)、1.5 mmol/L 氯化钴、0.2U/L TdT(Boehringer Mannheim 产品), 20 μmol/L dATP和10μmol/L生物素-16-dUTP(脱氧三磷酸尿苷)(Boehringer Mannheim)。(4)将切片移入0.05 mol/L Tris-HCl缓冲液终止反应,置15 min后用PBS漂洗1 min。(5)0.3%甲醇双氧水处理30 min,灭活内源性过氧化酶。(6) PBS洗3次,各5 min。(7)0.5 g/L正常羊IgG-5%BSA-PBS室温孵育30 min。(8)HRP-羊抗生物素抗体(1:100,Dako, 1% BSA-PBS稀释)室温孵育1 h。(9)0.075% Brij(洗涤剂)-PBS洗4次,各10 min。(10)用含氯化钴和硫酸镍铵的DAB-过氧化氢室温显色6 min。
, 百拇医药
阴性对照在TdT反应液中不加TdT或用TTP (三磷酸胸苷)取代生物素-16-dUTP。
结 果
在出生当日,可见个别呈坏死特征的变性生殖细胞,核质溶解,但无染色质聚集;核周隙扩大,线粒体和内质网等细胞器肿胀,有空泡形成。细胞膜有突起、出泡现象(图1)。生后1d,死亡细胞罕见。生后4d开始见到典型凋亡特征的生殖细胞,并于生后10~13 d达到高峰(图2),而后凋亡细胞逐渐减少。凋亡生殖细胞早期出现核染色质聚集(图3),细胞器如线粒体和内质网无明显变性;中期除核染色质积聚外,细胞器也肿胀变性(图2);晚期细胞核碎裂,细胞器溶解,细胞常碎裂为几部分,成为凋亡小体(图2,4)。
, 百拇医药
图1 生后0d,生殖细胞的坏死图像 标尺示2μm
图2 生后10d,可见较多凋亡的生殖细胞,箭头示凋亡小体 标尺示2μm
图3 生后10d,生殖细胞凋亡的早期图像 标记示1μm
图4 生后18d,生殖细胞凋亡的晚期图像 箭头示凋亡小体 标记示1μm
Fig.1 0 day after birth, a necrotic figure of a germ cell. Bar=2μm
Fig.2 10 day after birth, many apoptotic figures of germ cells could be found. Arrows point
to apoptotic bodies. Bar=2μm
, 百拇医药
Fig.3 10 day after birth, an apoptotic figure of germ cell at early stage. Bar=1μm
Fig.4 18 day after birth, two apoptotic figures at late stage. Arrow points to a apoptotic body. Bar=1μm
图11 小鼠生后发育过程中睾丸生殖细胞的凋亡频率
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图5 生后1d,TUNEL染色未见到阳性细胞 标尺示20μm
图6 生后7d,可见到较少量TUNEL阳性细胞,多位于曲细精管管腔面
图7 生后10d,见到较多的TUNEL阳性细胞,分布于生精上皮各层
图8 生后13d,也可见到较多的TUNEL阳性细胞,分布于生精上皮各层
图9 生后18d,TUNEL阳性细胞较10~13d时减少,多见于基底面第2层
图10 生后50d,TUNEL阳性细胞显著减少,多见于基底层。图5,7,9放大倍率相同;图6,8,10放大倍率相同;标尺示20μm
Fig.5 1 day after birth, no positive cells found with TUNEL staining.
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Fig.6 7 day after birth, a few TUNEL-positive cells could be found to the lumen of the seminiferous tubules.
Fig.7 10 day after birth, a lot of TUNEL-positive cells could be found and distributed in the each layer of the germinal epithelium.
Fig.8 13 day after birth, many TUNEL-positive cells could also be found in the layers of the germinal epithelium.
Fig.9 18 day after birth, TUNEL-positive cells were fewer than that in the day of 10-13, and were mainly found in the second basal layer of the epithelium.
, 百拇医药
Fig.10 50 day after birth, TUNEL-positive cells were significantly reduced and mainly found in the basal layer of the germinal epithelium.
Fig. 5,7,9 are in the same amplification; Fig.6,8,10 are in the same amplification. Bar=20μm
讨 论
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, 百拇医药
收稿 1997-09 修回 1998-03
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, 百拇医药
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, 百拇医药
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, 百拇医药
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, 百拇医药
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Wang Ruian△, **Takehiko Koji, *Zheng Pingju, Zhang Yuanqiang, **Paul K. Nakane
, 百拇医药
(Department of Histology and Embryology,Institute of Basic Medicine;
Department of Oncology,Xijing Hospital,The Fourth Military Medical University,Xi'an;
Department of Histology and Cell Biology, Nagasaki University School of Medicine, Nagasaki, Japan)
Observing the occurrence and time pattern of the autonomous death of the male germ cells of mouse during postnatal development. A/J mice of 0,1,4,7,10,13,18 and 50 day old were used. One testis of each mouse was fixed with 2.5% glutaraldehyde, another was fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde for 18 h, and then processed for resin and paraffin embedding, respectively. Ultrathin and paraffin sections were made and subjected to EM observation and TUNEL (terminal deoxy-UTP nick end labeling) staining. It was shown by EM that in the day of birth (0 day), degenerated germ cells of necrotic nature could be seen with lysis of the nuclei, but without aggregation of chromatin. The perinuclear cisternae extended, the mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulums swollen, and vacuoles could be found in the cytoplasm. The cell membrane has processes and bubbles. In the 1 day old mouse testes, death cells were hardly seen. Death germ cells of typical apoptotic nature were initially found in 4 day old testes, their numbers increased as the mice grew, and were most frequently found in the testes of 10\|13 day old mice. TUNEL staining also showed similar results with the EM. TUNEL-positive cells were also first found in 4 day after birth, their numbers reached peak in 10\|13 day after birth, then gradually decreased. The autonomous death of male germ cells of mouse during postnatal development mainly occurs by the way of apoptosis, but in certain stages of development, they appear in the nature of necrosis. The occurrence of apoptosis showed a close relationship with the mitotic activities of the germ cells.
KEY WORDS Germ cells; Programmed cell death; Apoptosis; Testes; In situ end-labeling; Electron microscope; Mouse
△Department of Histology and Embryology, the Fourth Military Medical University, Xi'an 710032, China, 百拇医药(王瑞安 小路武彦** 郑平菊* 张远强 中根一穗**)
单位:第四军医大学组织学胚胎学教研室,*西京医院肿瘤科,西安 710032;**日本长崎大学医学部第三解剖
解剖学报/980419 摘 要 为了观察小鼠睾丸生后发育过程中生殖细胞自发死亡的方式与规律。用生后0、1、4、7、10、13、18和50d A/J系小鼠,一侧睾丸用2.5%戊二醛,另一侧睾丸用4%多聚甲醛固定18h后,分别用树脂或石蜡包埋,制备超薄和连续石蜡切片,进行电镜观察和TUNEL染色光镜观察。电镜观察显示,在出生当日,可见个别呈坏死特征的变性生殖细胞,核质溶解,但无染色质聚集。核周间隙扩大,线粒体和内质网等细胞器肿胀,有空泡形成。细胞膜有突起、出泡现象。生后1d,死亡细胞罕见。生后4d开始见到典型凋亡特征的生殖细胞,并于生后10~13d达到高峰。TUNEL染色见阳性细胞在生后4d开始出现,10~13d达高峰,而后逐渐减少,与电镜观察结果一致。结果表明:小鼠睾丸在发育过程中生殖细胞的自发死亡主要以凋亡的形式发生,在一定时期,则以坏死的方式出现。凋亡的发生与细胞的分裂增殖具有密切关系。
, http://www.100md.com
动物胚胎及生后发育过程中常见组织细胞的退化变性[1~3]。在形体发生过程中,机体常产生比组织器官结构和功能的实际需要过多的细胞或一过性结构,如肾发生过程中的前肾与中肾。这些多余的细胞随后死亡而被清除。机体发生过程中正常发生的细胞死亡称为程序性细胞死亡(programmed cell death, PCD)[4]。在大多情况下,PCD以凋亡的形式发生[1]。细胞凋亡(apoptosis)是细胞死亡的一种方式,在形态上可见有细胞核染色质的积聚、断裂,而细胞器如线粒体和内质网等变化较小[5]。在睾丸的早期发生过程中,生殖细胞的PCD也很常见[6]。晚近一些作者对大、小鼠生殖细胞的死亡进行了研究,然而,有关生殖细胞正常发育过程中的自发死亡研究资料仍很有限。本实验用电镜观察及TUNEL (terminal deoxy-UTP nick end labeling)原位末端标记组织化学对小鼠生后发育过程中睾丸生殖细胞的死亡进行了研究。
, 百拇医药
实验用雄性A/J系小鼠,以出生当日为生后0d,分为0、1、4、7、10、13、18和50d共8个年龄组,每组3只动物,分别来自不同母鼠。所有动物均在午时断头处死,取睾丸,一侧用2.5%戊二醛-0.1 mol/L二甲砷酸钠缓冲液 (pH 7.2),另一侧睾丸用4%多聚甲醛-0.01 mol/L PBS(pH7.2)固定18 h,然后分别用Epon-812或石蜡常规包埋。石蜡包埋睾丸制成3 μm厚连续切片,裱贴于覆有氨丙基三乙氧基硅烷(3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane,美国Sigma公司)的载玻片上。
树脂包埋的睾丸组织制成半薄和超薄切片。半薄切片用甲苯胺蓝染色,超薄切片行硝酸铀和醋酸铅常规电子染色。用JEOL-1200电子显微镜在60 kV加速电压下观察。
, 百拇医药
TUNEL原位末端标记参照Gavrieli等[7]的程序略加修改。(1)切片经甲苯(toluene)和逐级酒精脱蜡入水,PBS洗5 min。(2)用3mg/L PBS蛋白酶K (Sigma产品)在37℃水浴中处理15 min,PBS洗3次,各 5min。(3)用末端脱氧核糖核苷转移酶(TdT)缓冲液(pH 6.6,含0.2 mol/L砷酸钾,0.025 mol/L Tris-HCl,0.25g/L BSA)在室温预孵育30 min,而后在37℃温箱进行标记反应1 h。标记反应液含:TdT缓冲液、0.1 mmol/L DTT(二巯基苏糖醇)、1.5 mmol/L 氯化钴、0.2U/L TdT(Boehringer Mannheim 产品), 20 μmol/L dATP和10μmol/L生物素-16-dUTP(脱氧三磷酸尿苷)(Boehringer Mannheim)。(4)将切片移入0.05 mol/L Tris-HCl缓冲液终止反应,置15 min后用PBS漂洗1 min。(5)0.3%甲醇双氧水处理30 min,灭活内源性过氧化酶。(6) PBS洗3次,各5 min。(7)0.5 g/L正常羊IgG-5%BSA-PBS室温孵育30 min。(8)HRP-羊抗生物素抗体(1:100,Dako, 1% BSA-PBS稀释)室温孵育1 h。(9)0.075% Brij(洗涤剂)-PBS洗4次,各10 min。(10)用含氯化钴和硫酸镍铵的DAB-过氧化氢室温显色6 min。
, 百拇医药
阴性对照在TdT反应液中不加TdT或用TTP (三磷酸胸苷)取代生物素-16-dUTP。
结 果
在出生当日,可见个别呈坏死特征的变性生殖细胞,核质溶解,但无染色质聚集;核周隙扩大,线粒体和内质网等细胞器肿胀,有空泡形成。细胞膜有突起、出泡现象(图1)。生后1d,死亡细胞罕见。生后4d开始见到典型凋亡特征的生殖细胞,并于生后10~13 d达到高峰(图2),而后凋亡细胞逐渐减少。凋亡生殖细胞早期出现核染色质聚集(图3),细胞器如线粒体和内质网无明显变性;中期除核染色质积聚外,细胞器也肿胀变性(图2);晚期细胞核碎裂,细胞器溶解,细胞常碎裂为几部分,成为凋亡小体(图2,4)。
, 百拇医药
图1 生后0d,生殖细胞的坏死图像 标尺示2μm
图2 生后10d,可见较多凋亡的生殖细胞,箭头示凋亡小体 标尺示2μm
图3 生后10d,生殖细胞凋亡的早期图像 标记示1μm
图4 生后18d,生殖细胞凋亡的晚期图像 箭头示凋亡小体 标记示1μm
Fig.1 0 day after birth, a necrotic figure of a germ cell. Bar=2μm
Fig.2 10 day after birth, many apoptotic figures of germ cells could be found. Arrows point
to apoptotic bodies. Bar=2μm
, 百拇医药
Fig.3 10 day after birth, an apoptotic figure of germ cell at early stage. Bar=1μm
Fig.4 18 day after birth, two apoptotic figures at late stage. Arrow points to a apoptotic body. Bar=1μm
图11 小鼠生后发育过程中睾丸生殖细胞的凋亡频率
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图5 生后1d,TUNEL染色未见到阳性细胞 标尺示20μm
图6 生后7d,可见到较少量TUNEL阳性细胞,多位于曲细精管管腔面
图7 生后10d,见到较多的TUNEL阳性细胞,分布于生精上皮各层
图8 生后13d,也可见到较多的TUNEL阳性细胞,分布于生精上皮各层
图9 生后18d,TUNEL阳性细胞较10~13d时减少,多见于基底面第2层
图10 生后50d,TUNEL阳性细胞显著减少,多见于基底层。图5,7,9放大倍率相同;图6,8,10放大倍率相同;标尺示20μm
Fig.5 1 day after birth, no positive cells found with TUNEL staining.
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Fig.6 7 day after birth, a few TUNEL-positive cells could be found to the lumen of the seminiferous tubules.
Fig.7 10 day after birth, a lot of TUNEL-positive cells could be found and distributed in the each layer of the germinal epithelium.
Fig.8 13 day after birth, many TUNEL-positive cells could also be found in the layers of the germinal epithelium.
Fig.9 18 day after birth, TUNEL-positive cells were fewer than that in the day of 10-13, and were mainly found in the second basal layer of the epithelium.
, 百拇医药
Fig.10 50 day after birth, TUNEL-positive cells were significantly reduced and mainly found in the basal layer of the germinal epithelium.
Fig. 5,7,9 are in the same amplification; Fig.6,8,10 are in the same amplification. Bar=20μm
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, 百拇医药
收稿 1997-09 修回 1998-03
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Wang Ruian△, **Takehiko Koji, *Zheng Pingju, Zhang Yuanqiang, **Paul K. Nakane
, 百拇医药
(Department of Histology and Embryology,Institute of Basic Medicine;
Department of Oncology,Xijing Hospital,The Fourth Military Medical University,Xi'an;
Department of Histology and Cell Biology, Nagasaki University School of Medicine, Nagasaki, Japan)
Observing the occurrence and time pattern of the autonomous death of the male germ cells of mouse during postnatal development. A/J mice of 0,1,4,7,10,13,18 and 50 day old were used. One testis of each mouse was fixed with 2.5% glutaraldehyde, another was fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde for 18 h, and then processed for resin and paraffin embedding, respectively. Ultrathin and paraffin sections were made and subjected to EM observation and TUNEL (terminal deoxy-UTP nick end labeling) staining. It was shown by EM that in the day of birth (0 day), degenerated germ cells of necrotic nature could be seen with lysis of the nuclei, but without aggregation of chromatin. The perinuclear cisternae extended, the mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulums swollen, and vacuoles could be found in the cytoplasm. The cell membrane has processes and bubbles. In the 1 day old mouse testes, death cells were hardly seen. Death germ cells of typical apoptotic nature were initially found in 4 day old testes, their numbers increased as the mice grew, and were most frequently found in the testes of 10\|13 day old mice. TUNEL staining also showed similar results with the EM. TUNEL-positive cells were also first found in 4 day after birth, their numbers reached peak in 10\|13 day after birth, then gradually decreased. The autonomous death of male germ cells of mouse during postnatal development mainly occurs by the way of apoptosis, but in certain stages of development, they appear in the nature of necrosis. The occurrence of apoptosis showed a close relationship with the mitotic activities of the germ cells.
KEY WORDS Germ cells; Programmed cell death; Apoptosis; Testes; In situ end-labeling; Electron microscope; Mouse
△Department of Histology and Embryology, the Fourth Military Medical University, Xi'an 710032, China, 百拇医药(王瑞安 小路武彦** 郑平菊* 张远强 中根一穗**)