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http://www.100md.com 《中国介入心脏病学杂志》 2000年第2期
     作者:张玉顺 贾国良 何争 刘建平 栾荣华

    单位:710032 西安第四军医大学西京医院心血管内科


    中国介入心脏病学杂志000209 【摘要】 目的 应用Amplatzer封堵器经导管治疗动脉导管未闭并对其疗效进行评价。方法 全组33例,平均年龄18.2±14.0(0.8~51)岁,平均体重36.2±16.9(6.4~70)kg。动脉导管未闭最窄处直径为4.9±2.1(2.9~10.0)mm。经6或7 F导管置入Amplatzer封堵器,术后10 min行侧位降主动脉造影观察有无分流。术后1天、1个月、6个月及1年行超声心动图检查观察有无残余分流及动脉导管未闭再通。结果 一次封堵成功者32例,二次封堵成功者1例,无任何并发症发生。术后10 min降主动脉造影示8例有微-少量残余分流。术后24 h超声心动图均无残余分流。随访1~12个月,均未发现有残余分流。结论 应用Amplatzer封堵器治疗直径达10 mm的动脉导管未闭是一种安全有效的介入方法,操作简便,成功率高,疗效可靠。
, 百拇医药
    Transcatheter closure of patent ductus arteriosus using

    the Amplatzer duct occluder: preliminary results

    Zhang Yushun,Jia Guoling,He Zheng

    (Cardiology Department of Xijing Hospital, Fourth Military Medical University, Xi′an 710032)

    【Abstract】 Objective To evaluate the safety and efficiency of anterograde catheter closure of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) using the Amplatzer duct occluder (ADO) device. Methods 33 patients (5 male, 28 female) underwent attempted transcatheter closure of PDA using the ADO at a median age of 18.2±14.0 years (range 0.8 to 51) and a median weight of (36.2±16.9)kg (range 6.4 to 70). The mean PDA diameter at its narrowest segment was (4.9±2.1)mm (rang 2.9 to 10). A 6F or 7F long sheath was used for delivery of the ADO. The lateral descending aortographies were performed to evaluate the immediate results 10 minutes after the procedure. Echocardiographies were performed 1 day, 1 month, 6 months and 1 year after the closure to find whether there was residual shunt and recanalization. Results 32 of the 33 patients had successful device placement at the first time. One patient had successful device placement at the second time. There were no complications. Angiography showed that 23 patients had complete immediate closure, 8 had a trace to small shunt 10 minutes after the procedures. Within 24 h, color doppler revealed complete closure in all patients. No residual shunt and PDA recanlization after the complete closure were found during a-follow-up of 1-12 months. Conclusion Anterograde transcatheter closure using the ADO is a safe and effective interventional therapy for patients with a PDA diameter up to 10 mm. It had a high successful rate and satisfied immediate and short term results, but the mid-and long-term follow-up were needed.
, http://www.100md.com
    【Key words】 Ductus arteriosus, patent Interventional therapy



    1.临床资料:全组共33例,男5例,女28例,平均年龄18.2±14.0(0.8~51)岁,平均体重36.2±16.9(6.4~70)kg。均经临床、心电图、心脏X线平片及超声心动图检查证实为PDA。胸骨左缘2~3肋间均可闻及双期连续性杂音。主动脉弓降部造影证实属Krichenko[5]漏斗型22例,漏斗-管型11例。最窄处直径(2.9~10)mm,平均(4.9±2.1) mm。肺动脉压正常15例,轻度增高8例,中度增高6例,重度增高4例。
, http://www.100md.com
    2.Amplatzer封堵器:美国AGA公司制造,由具有自膨胀性的单盘及连接单盘的“腰部”两部分组成,呈蘑菇状,单盘及“腰部”均系镍钛记忆合金编织成的密集网状结构,封堵器长7~8 mm,“腰部”的直径也有所不同,近单盘侧(主动脉侧)直径分为6、8、10、12、14 mm,另一端(肺动脉侧)直径分为4、6、8、10、12 mm五种型号。输送器由内芯和外鞘组成,内芯顶端有螺丝纹,末端附带一旋转柄,鞘管外径为6 F或7 F。

    3.操作步骤:在局麻或基础麻醉下穿刺右股动、静脉,静脉侧行常规右心导管检查。动脉侧置入猪尾导管行主动脉弓降部侧位造影,以观察PDA的位置、形态及大小。将6 F端孔导管自主肺动脉经PDA将其尖端送入降主动脉。经该导管送入0.035英(260 cm)替换导丝于降主动脉,撤出端孔导管,沿导丝将6 F或7 F输送鞘管送入降主动脉,撤出导丝。所测PDA最窄直径>2 mm的封堵器,将其安装于输送器内芯的顶端,透视下经输送鞘管封堵器送至降主动脉。待封堵器的单盘完全张开后,将输送鞘管及内芯一齐回撤至PDA的主动脉一侧,然后固定内芯,仅回撤输送鞘管至PDA的肺动脉一侧,使“腰部”完全卡于PDA内。核对心脏杂音有无变化,10 min后重复主动脉弓降部造影,若证实封堵器位置合适、无或仅有少量残余分流时,可操纵旋转柄将封堵器释放,重复右心导管检查后撤出导管压迫止血。术后24 h和1个月分别行超声心动图及心脏X线平片检查。
, http://www.100md.com
    结 果

    33例均获成功,其中32例一次封堵成功,一例第2次封堵成功。术后即刻右心导管检查。8例轻度肺动脉高压者均降至正常,6例中度及4例重度肺动脉高压者均降为轻度。主动脉弓降部造影示8例(24.2%)存在微~少量残余分流,余25例封堵完全无残余分流。有残余分流者,释放Amplatzer封堵器后再造影,发现5例微量残余分流有3例完全消失,3例少量残余分流明显减少2例。升主动脉→降主动脉及左肺动脉—主肺动脉连续测压,无收缩压差。听诊双期连续杂音完全消失。24 h彩色多普勒示全部病例动脉水平分流消失。随访1个月(33例)、6个月(21)例、1年(15例)均未发现PDA完全堵塞者有再通及封堵器移位。

    讨 论

    Amplatzer封堵器治疗PDA是一种新的介入疗法。其主要优点为:操作简便,成功率高,封堵器不合适时可回收;输送鞘管小(6 F或7 F),适于幼儿的PDA封堵,且对股静脉损伤小;适应证广,可封堵直径达10 mm的PDA,从而扩大了PDA介入治疗的范围;封堵器似支架,固定于PDA内,其蘑菇状单盘一侧封堵于PDA的主动脉,不易发生脱落或移位,且封闭完全,降低了残余分流的发生率。
, 百拇医药
    Amplatzer封堵器的主要适应证为:直径3~12 mm的PDA,其体重>4 kg。应用时至少应选大于PDA最窄处直径2 mm的封堵器。本组1例二次封堵成功者其PDA最窄处直径7.3 mm,但当时仅有8/10 mm封堵器,在第一次封堵时残余分流明显。第二次封堵时稍用力将封堵器拉入PDA内,仅见微量残余分流。随访1年未发现封堵器移位。

    Masura等[4]应用Amplatzer封堵器治疗24例PDA成功23例,术后即刻7例(30.4%)封堵完全,14例(60.9%)示微量残余分流,2例(8.7%)示少量残余分流。但术后24 h彩色多普勒示全部PDA均被完全封闭,无残余分流。本组33例术后主动脉造影显示微~少量分流8例(24.2%),封堵完全25例(75.8%)。术后24 h彩色多普勒示全部完全封闭。术后随访1~12个月未发现残余分流及封堵器移位。对于术后有微~少量残余分流者,我们均在释放封堵器后重复造影,发现3例微量残余分流完全消失,2例少量残余分流明显减少。因此,我们认为在释放Amplatzer封堵器前造影所示的残余分流,部分与输送导丝牵拉封堵器有关。
, 百拇医药


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, 百拇医药
    3,Moore JW, George L, Kirkpatrick SE, et al. Percutaneous xlosure of the small patent ductus arteriosus using occluding spring coils. J Am Coll Cardiol, 1994,23:759-765.

    4,Masura J, Walsh KP, Thanopoulous B, et al. Catheter closure of moderate-to lage-sized patent ductus arteriosus using the new Amplatzer. Duct occluder: immediate and short-term results. J Am Coll Cardiol, 1998,31:878-882.

    5,Krichenko A, Benson LN, Burrows P, et al. Angiographic classification of the isolated, persistently patent ductus and implantations for percutaneous catheter occlusion. Am J Cardiol, 1989,63:877-880.

    (收稿日期:1999-12-09), http://www.100md.com