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http://www.100md.com 《中国病理生理杂志》 1999年第1期
     作者:张建新 李兰芳 王素敏 陈素青 刘赤平 吴树勋

    单位:河北省医学科学院(石家庄 050021)


    中国病理生理杂志990101 摘 要 目的:观察L-硝基精氨酸(L-NA)对神经刺激所致正常和自发性高血压大鼠(SHR)离体肠系膜动脉反应的影响作用。方法:采用离体血管实验方法,测定肠系膜动脉条的等容张力变化。结果:NO(-氧化氮)合成抑制剂L-NA显著增强电和化学(烟碱)刺激引起的正常大鼠肠系膜动脉收缩反应(P<0.01),此增强作用可被NO供体L-精氨酸取消(P<0.01),L-NA对电和化学刺激所致SHR动脉收缩效应无明显影响(P>0.05)。L-NA对血管神经末梢去甲肾上腺素的释放及对外源性去甲肾上腺素的血管收缩后作用均无明显影响。正常大鼠动脉条用哌唑嗪处理并用PGF部分收缩后电和化学刺激均引起血管舒张,此舒张效应可被L-NA抑制,该抑制作用又可为L-精氨酸逆转(P<0.01)。但电和化学刺激SHR动脉条均未引起明显的血管舒张反应,而且也不受L-NA的影响。结论:神经刺激引起的正常大鼠动脉舒张效应由NO中介,系非肾上腺素、非胆碱能血管扩张神经;神经刺激SHR动脉无明显血管舒张反应也与其非肾上腺素、非胆碱能血管扩张神经功能低下有关,后者可能系SHR的发病机制之一。
, 百拇医药
    Non-adrenergic,non-cholinergic innervation in normotensive

    and spontaneously hypertensive rats

    ZHANG Jian-Xin,LI Lan-Fang,WANG Su-Min,CHEN Su-Qing,LIU Chi-Ping,WU Shu-Xun

    Hebei Academy of Medical Sciences,Shijiazhuang(050021)

    Abstract AIM:To observe the action of NG-nitro-L-arginine(L-NA) on effects of nerve stimulation on isolated mesenteric artery strips of normotensive and spontaneously hypertensive rats(SHR).METHODS:The isometric tension of endothelium-denuded isolated mesenteric artery strips from rats were measured by a forcedisplacement transducer.RESULTS:Normotensive rat mesenteric artery strips responed to transmural electrical stimulation and nicotine with a contraction,which was potentiated by L-NA,a nitric oxide(NO)synthesis inhibitor.L-arginine reversed the potentiation.The contraction induced by transmural electrical stimulation and nicotine was not influenced by L-NA in SHR.Release of norepinephrine evoked by adrenergic nerve stimulation and contractile response to exogenous norepinephrine were not increased by L-NA.In the normotensive rat endothelium-denude artery strips treated with prazosin,electrical stimulation and nicotine produced a relaxation,which were abolished by L-NA.The inhibitions were antagonized by L-arginine However,in the SHR endothelium-denude artery strips,electrical stimulation and nicotine did not produce a relaxation,which were not influenced by L-NA.CONCLUSIONS:It may be concluded that rat mesenteric arteries are innervated by vasodilator correlated with NO and noradrenergic vasoconstrictor nerves;the vasodilation is mediated by NO released possibly from nerves,and thus is putatively called“nitroxidergic”.We present a new idea that hypertension could be generated by suppression of nitroxidergic nerve function.
, 百拇医药
    MeSH Arginine;Nitric oxide;Hypertension;Vasodilation;Nerve tissue

    传统认为血管平滑肌的张力主要由交感神经调控,近年其他神经的作用已引起研究者们的重视。最近研究表明神经刺激引起的非肾上腺素、非胆碱能血管扩张效应可被一氧化氮(nitric oxide,NO)合成抑制剂L-NA抑制[1~5]。因为血管平滑肌不能产生NO,所以认为上述神经刺激引起的血管扩张效应系通过NO调节[3]。神经刺激大鼠肠系膜动脉的血管舒张效应是否引起与NO有关及其与自发性高血压发病机理的关系目前未见报道。本研究采用离体血管功能实验方法,对上述问题作一探讨。


    Wistar大鼠和自发性高血压大鼠,体重250~300 g,雌雄兼用,静脉注射乌拉坦(500mg/kg)麻醉,颈动脉放血处死,取肠系膜动脉切成螺旋条。用棉球轻轻去除内皮,以1μmol/L乙酰胆碱不引起血管扩张反应表示内皮完全去除。将标本垂直于两片铂金电极之间(标本勿与电极接触)并置于含有林格-洛(Ringer-Locke)氏营养液的浴槽内,下端固定,上端连接拉力换能器并给予0.7g的静息张力,记录等容张力变化于平台记录仪上。营养液用体积分数为95%O2+体积分数为5%CO2气体饱和,(37±0.3)℃恒温,每15 min换液1次,稳定60~90 min开始实验,首先加30 mmol/L KCl以得到最大收缩效应。5 Hz、10 V、40 s电刺激、间隔10 min进行1次,直到反应稳定为止,然后加入试药,最后加河豚毒素(tetrodotoxin,0.3 μmol/L)以鉴别是否神经刺激引起的反应。将烟碱(nicotine,0.1 mmol/L)直接加到浴槽营养液中,待反应完毕后换液冲洗3次。观察血管舒张效应时,预先用PGF将血管部分收缩,电或烟碱所致血管舒张效应稳定后作为对照,然后用试药处理约30 min进行实验,最后加罂粟碱(papaverine,0.1 mmol/L)达最大舒张效应。
, 百拇医药
    参照文献[6]分别测定L-NA对正常大鼠和SHR血管神经末梢释放去甲肾上腺素的影响。将动脉条与0.5 mmol/L3H去甲肾上腺素在37 ℃营养液中孵育60 min,然后用含有可卡因(30 μmol/L)和肾上腺皮质激素(40 μmol/L)营养液灌流(1 mL/min)并以5 Hz电刺激,共进行5次,第3次电刺激后灌流液中加入L-NA或溶解L-NA的溶剂(对照)。收集灌流液用液闪仪测定溶液中3H去甲肾上腺素的含量,L-NA或溶剂对电刺激所致3H去甲肾上腺素释放的影响以第三次刺激(S3)与第四次刺激(S4)后3H去甲肾上腺素释放量的比率表示,进行比较。

    分别将正常大鼠和SHR肠系膜动脉去除内皮后在营养液中稳定20 min。①组加烟碱(0.1 mmol/L);②组加烟碱和六烃季铵(hexamethonium,10 μmol/L);③组加烟碱和L-NA(1 μmol/L),1 min后立刻用液氮冷冻终止反应,然后进行匀浆,用放免盒测定cGMP含量。
, 百拇医药

    Fig 1 Modification by L-NA and L-NA plus L-arginine of the contractile response to transmural electrical stimulation in rat mesenteric artery strips denuded of the endothelium. Significantly different from control and the value with L-NA+L-arginine, * P<0.05; Vertical bars represent ±s, n=10
, 百拇医药
    a:Control; b:Normotensive rat;

    d:Spontenouly hypertensive rat 图1 电刺激所致大鼠去内皮动脉条收缩反应

    结 果


    电刺激正常大鼠去除内皮肠系膜动脉引起的收缩反应显著被L-NA(1μmol/L)增强,L-精氨酸(0.3 mmol/L)则可取消L-NA的增强作用(图1)。六烃季铵(10μmol/L)可阻断烟碱(0.1 mmol/L)所致正常大鼠去除内皮血管的收缩反应。L-NA(1μmol/L)使烟碱的收缩效应增强,后者又明显为L-精氨酸(0.3 mmol/L)取消(图2)。L-NA对电刺激和烟碱引起的SHR去除内皮血管收缩效应均无明显影响(图1、2)。
, 百拇医药


    Fig 2 Modification by L-NA and L-NA plus L-arginine of the contractile response to nicotie in rat mesenteric artery strips denuded of the endothelium. Significantly different from control and the value with L-NA+L-arginine,* P<0.05; Vertical bars represent ±s, n=10 图2 烟碱所致大鼠去内皮动脉条收缩反应
, 百拇医药
    Fig 3 Modification by L-NA and L-NA plus L-arginine of the relaxant response to transmural electrical stimulation in rat mesenteric artery strips denuded of the endothelium. Siginificantly different from control and the value with L-NA+L-arginine, * P<0.01; Vertical bars represent ±s, n=10 图3 电刺激所致大鼠去内皮动脉条舒张反应


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    Fig.4 Modification by L-NA and L-NA plus L-arginine of the relaxant response to nicotine in rat mesenteric artery strips denuded of the endothelium. Siginificantly different from control and the value with L-NA+L-arginine, * P<0.01; Vertical bars represent ±s, n=10.图4 烟碱所致大鼠去内皮动脉条舒张反应


    烟碱(0.1 mmol/L)明显增加正常大鼠去除内皮血管cGMP的含量,L-NA(5μmol/L)及六烃季铵(10μmol/L)可明显阻断烟碱的上述作用(表1)。但是烟碱(0.1 mmol/L)对SHR去除内皮血管cGMP的含量无明显影响,而且也不受L-NA(5μmol)及六烃季铵(10μmol/L)的影响(表1)。
, 百拇医药
    表1 烟碱对大鼠离体去除内皮肠系膜动脉cGMP含量的影响

    Tab 1 Effect of nicotine on the cyclic GMP formation

    in normotensive and spontaneously hypertensive rat

    mesenteric artery strips without endothelium Drugs

    Normotensive rats

    Spontaneously hypertensive rats


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, 百拇医药









    *P<0.01, vs other groups.C6=hexamethonium,n=number of strips from separate rats
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    讨 论


, 百拇医药


, 百拇医药
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, 百拇医药
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, 百拇医药
    7 Toda N,Minami Y,Okamura T.Inhibitory effects of L-NG-nitro-arginine of the synthesis of EDRF and the cerebroarterial response to vasodilator nerve stimulation.Life Sci,1990,47:345.

    8 Toda N,Yoshida K,Okamura T.Analysis of the potentiating action of NG-nitro-L-arginine on the contraction of the dog temporal artery elicited by transmural stimulation of noradrenergic nerves.Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol,1991,343:221.


    修稿日期:1998年6月5日, http://www.100md.com