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http://www.100md.com 《中国临床营养杂志》 2000年第1期
     作者:李利根 郭振荣 赵霖 鲍善芬 柴家科 丛涛



    中国临床营养杂志000111摘 要:目的观察缺锌大鼠烫伤后补锌对体内锌、含锌酶、激素的影响。 方法用μg/g低锌饲料喂养大鼠1周,造成缺锌状态后深Ⅱ°烫伤15%。分三组进食不同含锌量饲料,L组(缺锌组)、M(低补锌组)、H组(高补锌组),伤后1、3、7天,分别活杀各组大鼠,留取血、组织标本。 结果血清锌,L、M组下降,H组上升。肝脏锌,各组均呈上升趋势,以H组最明显。骨骼锌,L组进行性下降,M组缓慢上升,H组上升最明显。烫伤皮肤锌,各组均呈上升趋势,以H组最明显。AKP,L组明显降低,H组高于L、M组。GH,L、M组烫伤后第一天下降,而后各组逐渐升高,以H组最明显。 结论烫伤后机体处于低锌状态,补锌可以纠正血清锌降低,增加肝脏、骨骼、皮肤含锌量,特别是皮肤锌含量增加,有利于创面愈合;增加酶活性,提高GH水平,这可能是锌促进创面愈合的机理之一。

    The effects of supplement ation of zinc on serum, tissue zinc and alkaline phosphatase, growth hormone in scalded rats with zinc deficiency

    LI Ligen ,GUO Zhenrong ,ZHAO Lin

    (Burn Institute, 304th Hospital of PLA, Beijing)

    Abstract:Objective To study the effects of supplement, ation of zinc on serum and tissue zinc, tissue enzyme, hormone in scalded rats with zinc deficiency. Methods Scalded rats were randomly divided into three groups, L group (diet containing zinc 4μg/g), M group (10μg/g) ,and H group (80μg/g). Every group rats were sacnificed on 1, 3, 7 day postburn, respectively Samples were obtained and examined. Results The state of zinc deficiency appeared in rats before scalded by intake of zinc deficiency diets. The serum zinc, bone zinc and activity of AKP continuously decreased in L group. However, zinc levels in serum, liver, bone, skin have a tendency of increase, AKP activity and GH level also increased in M and H groups, lith most obvious increase appeared in H group. ConclusionsThe state of zinc deficiency in rats appears with intake of low zinc diets and became more serious following scalded. Supplement ation of zinc can increase the zinc levels in different tissues, especially in skin, also promote AKP the activity, and GH level. These are beneficial to the wound healing. The increased GH level might be one of mechanism of accelerated wound healing by supplement ation of zinc., 百拇医药