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http://www.100md.com 《潍坊医学院学报》 2000年第1期
     作者:周茂义 潘立杰 赵兴圣 李丽新 刘静

    单位:周茂义 赵兴圣 李丽新 刘静(潍坊医学院附属医院 潍坊 261041);潘立杰(烟台市芝罘区医院放射科)


    潍坊医学院000124摘 要:目的研究眼球外伤后眼球早期病理变化及CT表现。方法对眼球外伤后124例CT检查结果及临床资料进行分析研究。结果124例中球内出血8例,球内异物76例(94只眼),眼球破裂21只,晶状体破裂或消失12只,有视神经损伤14例,伴有眼眶骨折63例,骨折累及视神经孔10例,外伤性眼球突出18只,颈动脉海绵窦痿12例,并将由于外伤所造成的眼球改变分为轻、中、重度三型,对临床处理进行指导。结论CT检查是确定有无眼球损伤和估计损伤程度的最佳方法之一,并可为临床治疗提供重要依据。

    分类号:R814.42;R770.4 文献标识码:A

    Clinical and CT Findings Analysis of Oculartrauma of 124 Cases

    Zhou Maoyi,Pan Lijie,Zhao Xingsheng

    (Medical Imaging Department,the Affiliated Hospital of Weifang Medical College,Weifang,261031)

    Abstract:Objective To study early pathological changes and CT findings of ocular trauma.Method There were 124 cases with ocular trauma confirmed by clinical and CT scanning.Result 8 cases had intraocular hematophthalmia,of them,76 cases of intraorbital foreign bodies,21 cases of eyeball rupture,63 cases of orbital fracture,12 cases of lens ruptured or/and disappeared,8 cases of ocular exophthalmus,12 cases of carotid cavernous fistula and so on.Conclusion Axial and coronal CT scanning of ocular trauma is an effective method on detecting most lesions of traumatic eyeball,it provides important help for diagnosis and treatment.

    Keywords:Eyeball;Trauma;Tomography,X—ray computed





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    收稿日期:1999-03-26, 百拇医药