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http://www.100md.com 《首都医科大学学报》 1999年第5期
     作者:孔祥田 涂平 李竞贤 曾荔 夏同礼 郭应禄

    单位:孔祥田 曾荔 夏同礼 郭应禄 北京医科大学第一医院泌尿外科研究所;涂平 皮肤科;李竞贤 病理科,北京 100034


    北京医科大学学报990512 摘 要 目的:探讨Ca15-3在Paget病鉴别诊断中的价值。方法:对11例阴囊Paget病回顾性地做Ca15-3、EMA、CEA和HMB45免疫组化染色,并以4例Bowen病和1例恶性黑色素瘤做对照。结果:Ca15-3、EMA在Paget病和大、小汗腺及皮脂腺均有较强的表达,4例Bowen病均无Ca15-3表达,但其中2例有EMA表达。CEA在6例(54.5%)Paget病中有表达。HMB45只在恶性黑色素瘤中表达。结论:Ca15-3在Paget细胞的相对特异性表达提示它可作为Paget病与Bowen病鉴别诊断的标志物,其对诊断的敏感性与EMA相同,但特异性高于EMA。同时还说明Paget病的发生可能与汗腺有关。
, 百拇医药
    中国图书资料分类法分类号 R711.72

    The value of Ca15-3 in differential diagnosis of Paget's disease

    KONG Xiang-Tian#, TU Ping, LI Jing-Xian, ZENG Li, XIA Tong-Li, GUO Ying-Lu

    (#Institute of Urology, the First Hospital, Beijing Medical University, Beijing 100034)

    MeSH Paget's disease, extramammary/diag Ca15-3 Diagnosis, differential Bowen's disease/diag
, 百拇医药
    ABSTRACT Objective: To probe the value of Ca15-3, an antibody to human milk-fat globule membrane and to the membranous component of mammary cancer cells, in differential diagnosis of Paget's disease. Methods: A retrospective study of 11 cases of scrotal Paget's disease from 1984 to 1997 in our hospital was carried out, and 4 cases of Bowen's disease and 1 of malignant melanoma were studied as control. Ca15-3, EMA, CEA, HMB45 were immunostained in all cases. Results: Paget's cells stained strongly with antibodies Ca15-3 and EMA, and staining with Ca15-3 and EMA was also observed in the ductal and secretory portions of the eccrine and apocrine glands, and in the sebaceous gland cells. Staining with the antibody CEA was observed in 54.5% of the cases in Paget's disease, and none in Bowen's disease. Expression of EMA was also observed in 2 out of 4 cases in Bowen's disease. HMB45 was the only antigen expressed in malignant melanoma. Conclusion: Ca15-3 was specifically expressed in Paget's cells. This result demonstrated that Ca15-3 can be used as a marker in the differential diagnosis between Paget's disease and Bowen's disease. It has the same sensitivity as EMA and higher specificity than EMA in differential diagnosis. The coexpression of Ca15-3 in Paget cells and in cutaneous adenexal organs suggests that the origin of Paget cells may be the secretory cells of sweat glands.
, 百拇医药
    (J Beijing Med Univ, 1999,31:426-428)

    在Paget病病理诊断中,除常规HE染色外,还发现Paget细胞表达许多上皮和癌基因产物,如低分子量细胞角蛋白、上皮膜抗原(EMA)、癌胚抗原(CEA)和Ca15-3等[1]。但是,需与Paget病相鉴别的Bowen病也表达其中部分产物,所以找到Paget细胞特异的标志物对鉴别诊断十分必要。我们对我院1984~1997年间收治的11例阴囊Paget病全部做Ca15-3、EMA、CEA和HMB45 4种抗体的免疫组化染色,并以4例Bowen病和1例恶性黑色素瘤做对照研究,发现Ca15-3在Paget细胞呈相对特异性表达。报告如下。

    1 材料与方法

, 百拇医药
    2 结果

    2.1 上述抗体在表皮及其附属器中的表达

    Ca15-3在正常皮肤的大、小汗腺导管和分泌腺的管腔表面和分泌上皮细胞胞浆表达较强(++~+++, 图1), 而导管的基底细胞和分泌腺的肌上皮细胞无表达。皮脂腺有较强表达。EMA的表达情况同Ca15-3, 但表达强度强于Ca15-3(表1)。CEA只在小汗腺导管和分泌腺的管腔表面有弱表达(+/-)。HMB45只在表皮黑色素细胞表达。

    图1 皮肤小汗腺管腔表面和分泌上皮Ca15-3有较强的表达 ×50

    Figure 1 Strong expression of Ca15-3 in eccrine sweat glands ×50
, 百拇医药
    表1 正常表皮及皮肤附属器几种标志物的表达

    Table 1 Expression of antibodies in normal epidermis and its adenexal structures





    Epidermal keratinocytes


, 百拇医药







    Eccrine sweat glands

    Ducts luminal surface




, 百拇医药
    luminal cells





    basal cells





    Secretary elements

    luminal surface

, 百拇医药     ++




    secretary cells





    myoepithelial cells



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    Apocrine sweat glands

    Ducts luminal surface





    luminal cells





, 百拇医药     basal cells





    Secretary elements

    luminal surface





    secretary cells

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    myoepithelial cells





    Sebaceous glands




, 百拇医药
    +, immunohistochemical staining positive.

    2.2 皮肤肿瘤免疫组织化学染色结果


    图2 Paget细胞Ca15-3阳性表达,而角化上皮细胞阴性 ×50

    Figure 2 Staining is positive for Ca15-3 in Paget cells and negative in keratinocytes ×50
, 百拇医药
    表2 皮肤肿瘤免疫组织化学染色结果

    Table 2 Immunohistochemical staining results of skin tumors Tumors






    Paget's disease


, 百拇医药



    Bowen's disease






    Malignant melanoma



, 百拇医药


    3 讨论

    在皮肤肿瘤中,Paget病、Bowen病和恶黑是需要仔细进行鉴别的,尤其是Paget样Bowen病(Pagetoid Bowen's disease)、表皮内表浅扩散的恶黑(Intraepidermal superficial spreading malignant melanoma)和Paget样无色素性恶黑(Pagetoid amelanotic malignant melanoma),在HE染色切片上极易与Paget病混淆[2],但它们的预后差别很大。恶黑易浸润和转移,预后最差。而Bowen病为皮肤原位癌或称鳞状上皮表皮内瘤,不易浸润转移,预后好。Paget病尽管大多数病例预后较好,但少数病例有真皮浸润(图4)和远处转移(图3),偶尔有伴有内脏器官恶性肿瘤的可能[2],预后介于Bowen病和恶黑间。所以明确诊断具有实际的临床意义。
, 百拇医药
    图3 转移至腹股沟淋巴结的Paget细胞Ca15-3强阳性表达 ×50

    Figure 3 Paget cells metastasized to inguinal lymph node strongly express Ca15-3 ×50

    图4 Paget细胞浸润真皮,EMA免疫组化染色 ×50

    Figure 4 Invasive Paget cells in dermis are demonstrated by EMA immunohistochemistry ×50

    除上述肿瘤所特有的组织病理学表现外,免疫组织化学方法是一种简便可行的鉴别手段。研究显示Paget细胞表达EMA、GCDFP-15(gross cystic disease fluid protein-15,)、人乳脂肪球蛋白(human milk-fat globule protein)Ca15-3等;而Bowen病通常不表达CEA、GCDFP-15和低分子质量细胞角蛋白。恶黑与前两者鉴别的标志物为S-100和HMB45强阳性[2]。我们的研究表明,CEA在Paget病54.5%(6/11)表达; 而EMA 100%表达,但它也在少数Bowen病有表达,说明它的特异性还不能满足鉴别诊断的要求。近几年,科学家从转移的乳腺癌中提纯的人乳脂肪球蛋白,其抗体Ca15-3是相对分子质量为300×103~450 ×103的糖蛋白[1]。不仅发现乳腺癌患者的血清Ca15-3水平增高[3],还发现在Paget病中有较强的表达[1]
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    注:☆ 自由词。


    1 Tsuji T. Mammary and extramammary Paget's disease: expression of Ca15-3, Ka-93, Ca19-9 and CD44 in paget cells and adjacent normal skin. Br J Dermatol, 1995, 132:7

    2 Suster S. Clear cell tumors of the skin. Semin Diag Pathol, 1996, 13:40-59

    3 Sofi F, Kohler I, Rottinger E, et al. The value of the tumor marker Ca15-3 in diagnosing and monitoring breast cancer. Cancer, 1991, 68:574-582

    4 Yasui S, Ando I, Kukita A, et al. DF3(Ca15-3) antibody as a marker of cutaneous adenexal tumors. Acta Derm Venereol, 1994, 74:98-100

    5 Jones RZ Jr, Ackerman AB. Extramammary Paget's disease: A critical reappraisal. Am J Dermatopathol, 1979, 1:101-103

    (1998-10-18收稿), 百拇医药