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http://www.100md.com 2015年2月22日 新医学 2015年第5期
     作者单位:434023 荆州,长江大学医学院解剖教研室








    Research progress of morphological remodeling of neuronal dendritic spine induced by early stressHeYun,YangQun,XuBenke.AnatomyTeachingandResearchSection,MedicalCollegeofYangtzeUniversity,Jingzhou434023,China


    Abstract【】During the early stage of growth and development, corticotropin releasing factors (CRF) can alter the function of synapse of hippocampal neurons, remodel the morphology of neuronal dendritic spine and eventually damage the memory function of hippocampus. CRFR1 receptor is widely distributed in the postsynaptic dense materials (PSD) of dendritic spine head of hippocampal neurons. Binding of CRF and CRFR1 receptors not only could regulate the function of neuronal synapse via G-protein coupling receptor-mediated signaling transduction, but also cause morphological variations of neuronal dendritic spine through activating RhoA-confilin signaling network. This paper summarized the morphology, molecular composition and related regulatory proteins of dendritic spine and the effect of CRF upon neuronal dendritic spine in the corresponding domain of hippocampus, etc. ......

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