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http://www.100md.com 2016年1月18日 新医学 2015年第6期
     作者单位: 313300 湖州,安吉县人民医院呼吸内科(何方李);215000 苏州,苏州大学附属第一医院呼吸科(刘顺林)








    Pulmonary lymphoma with lung lesions as the initial presentation: a report of 3 casesHeFangli,LiuShunlin.DepartmentofRespiratoryMedicine,AnjiCountyPeople’sHospital,Huzhou313300,China


    Abstract【】Pulmonary lymphoma is a relatively common in clinical practice. However, pulmonary lymphoma with lung lesions as the initial presentation lacks specific imaging characteristics. It is likely to misdiagnose pulmonary lymphoma as pneumonia or pulmonary nodule. In this study, we reported 3 pulmonary lymphoma cases with lung lesions as the initial presentation and described the diagnosis and treatment. Among them, one patient presented with fever and cough, and the other two were found with pulmonary shadows by physical examination. CT imaging detected pulmonary nodules in two cases and lung infection in another patient. The final diagnosis of all three cases was confirmed by pulmonary biopsy. No specific clinical symptoms or imaging features were observed in patients with pulmonary lymphoma. The diagnosis of pulmonary lymphoma could be confirmed by pulmonary biopsy, which requires widespread attention from clinicians and physicians. ......

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