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http://www.100md.com 2016年1月18日 新医学 2015年第10期







    Clinical study of complete hydatidiform mole and co-existing fetusLiZhuyu,ChenHaitian,PengRuan,WangZilian,YouZeshan.DepartmentofObstetricsandGynecology,theFirstAffiliatedHospitalofSunYat-senUniversity,Guangzhou510080,China


    Abstract【】ObjectiveTo explore the clinical characteristics and pregnancy outcomes of complete hydatidiform mole and co-existing fetus (CMCF). MethodsThe data of six CMCF women were analyzed retrospectively. ResultsAmong six CMCF women, five were pregnant after in vitro fertilization and embryo transplantation, and one after ovulation-stimulating treatment. Five patients were diagnosed with CMCF in middle pregnancy and one in early pregnancy. Five cases had twin pregnancy with complete hydatidiform mole and one was triplet pregnanct. One case insisted on continuous pregnancy, four accepted pregnancy termination and one was forced to terminate pregnancy. All six women and one fetus survived. ConclusionsThe incidence of CMCF is probably correlated with the application of assisted reproductive technology. Clinical outcomes depend on disease progression, fetal chromosome and patients’ willingness. If the fetal chromosome is normal and no serious maternal complications occur during pregnancy, the fetus may survive. However, the risk of continuous pregnancy remains to be evaluated. ......

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