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, 百拇医药
[10]Izuhara K,Nunomura S,Nanri Y,Ogawa M,Ono J,MitamuraY,Yoshihara T.Periostin in inflammation and allerg3.Cell MolLife Sci,2017,74(23):4293-4303.
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, 百拇医药
[13]Frangogiannis NG.The inflammatory response in myocardialinjury,repair,and remodelling.Nature reviews.Nat RevCardiol,2014,11(5):255-265.
[14]Faxon DP,Gibbons RJ,Chronos NA,Gurbel PA,SheehanF;HALT-MI Investigators.The effect of blockade of the CD11/CD 18 integrin receptor on infarct size in patients with acutemyocardial infarction treated with direct angioplasty:the resultsof the HALT-MI study.J Am Coll Cardiol,2002,40(7):1199-1204.
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[16]Horckmans M,Ring L,Duchene J,Santovito D,Schloss MJ,Drechsler M,Weber C,Soehnlein 0,Steffens S.Neutrophilsorchestrate post-myocardial infarction healing by polarizingmacrophages towards a reparative phenotype.Ear Heart J,2017,38(3):187-197.
[17]Shapira I,Rotstein R,Fusman R,Gluzman B,Roth A,KerenG,Avitzour D,Arber N,Berliner S.Combined leukocyte anderythrocyte aggregation in patients with acute myocardial infar-ction.Int J Cardiol,2001,78(3):299-305.
, 百拇医药
[18]Anzai A,Choi JL,He S,Fenn AM,Nairz M,Rattik S,McAlpine CS,Mindur JE,Chan CT,Iwamoto Y,Tricot B,Wojtkiewicz GR,Weissleder R,Libby P,Nahrendorf M,StoneJR,Becher B,Swirski FK.The infareted myocardium solicitsGM-CSF for the detrimental oversupply of inflammatory leuk-ocytes.J Exp Med,2017,214(11):3293-3310.
[19]Vinten-Johansen J,Jiang R,Reeves JG,Mykytenko J,DeneveJ,Jobe IJ.Inflammation,proinflammatory mediators and myoca-rdial ischemia-reperfusion Injury.Hematol Oncol Clin NorthAm,2007,21(1): 123-145., 百拇医药(祝双华 廖延 姜美花 詹宇婷 彭朝权)
[8]Mezzaroma E,Toldo S,Farkas D,Seropian IM,Van TassellBW,Salloum FN,Kannan HR,Menna AC,Voelkel NF,Abbate A.The inflammasome promotes adverse cardiac remodel-ing following acute myocardial infarction in the mouse.Proc NatlAcad Sci U S A,2011,108(49):19725-19730.
[9]Hansson GK.Inflammation and atherosclerosis:the end of a con-troversy.Circulation,2017,136(20):1875-1877.
, 百拇医药
[10]Izuhara K,Nunomura S,Nanri Y,Ogawa M,Ono J,MitamuraY,Yoshihara T.Periostin in inflammation and allerg3.Cell MolLife Sci,2017,74(23):4293-4303.
[11]Kudo A,Kii 1.Periostin function in communication with extrace-llular matrices.J Cell Common Signal,2018,12(1):301-308.
[12]Sasaki H,Dai M,Auclair D,Kaji M,Fukai I,Kiriyama M,Yamakawa Y,Fujii Y,Chen LB.Serum level of the periostin,a homologue of an insect cell adhesion molecule,in thymomapatients.Cancer Lett,2001,172(1):37-42.
, 百拇医药
[13]Frangogiannis NG.The inflammatory response in myocardialinjury,repair,and remodelling.Nature reviews.Nat RevCardiol,2014,11(5):255-265.
[14]Faxon DP,Gibbons RJ,Chronos NA,Gurbel PA,SheehanF;HALT-MI Investigators.The effect of blockade of the CD11/CD 18 integrin receptor on infarct size in patients with acutemyocardial infarction treated with direct angioplasty:the resultsof the HALT-MI study.J Am Coll Cardiol,2002,40(7):1199-1204.
[15]Wang J.Neutrophils in tissue injury and repair.Cell Tissue Res,2018,371(3):531-539.
[16]Horckmans M,Ring L,Duchene J,Santovito D,Schloss MJ,Drechsler M,Weber C,Soehnlein 0,Steffens S.Neutrophilsorchestrate post-myocardial infarction healing by polarizingmacrophages towards a reparative phenotype.Ear Heart J,2017,38(3):187-197.
[17]Shapira I,Rotstein R,Fusman R,Gluzman B,Roth A,KerenG,Avitzour D,Arber N,Berliner S.Combined leukocyte anderythrocyte aggregation in patients with acute myocardial infar-ction.Int J Cardiol,2001,78(3):299-305.
, 百拇医药
[18]Anzai A,Choi JL,He S,Fenn AM,Nairz M,Rattik S,McAlpine CS,Mindur JE,Chan CT,Iwamoto Y,Tricot B,Wojtkiewicz GR,Weissleder R,Libby P,Nahrendorf M,StoneJR,Becher B,Swirski FK.The infareted myocardium solicitsGM-CSF for the detrimental oversupply of inflammatory leuk-ocytes.J Exp Med,2017,214(11):3293-3310.
[19]Vinten-Johansen J,Jiang R,Reeves JG,Mykytenko J,DeneveJ,Jobe IJ.Inflammation,proinflammatory mediators and myoca-rdial ischemia-reperfusion Injury.Hematol Oncol Clin NorthAm,2007,21(1): 123-145., 百拇医药(祝双华 廖延 姜美花 詹宇婷 彭朝权)